
Sketch webcomponents library

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skeComponents from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@ske/components';


Web components library


  • Reusable Web Components
  • The web components are standard HTML elements, so they work in any major framework or with no framework at all.
  • In many cases, the components can be used as a drop in replacement for traditional frontend frameworks to build widgets, microapps, apps, etc.

Built With Stencil

Generic javascript library


  • Javascript modules and classes library
  • Shareable among all Javascript projects
  • Config - api - translation - util etc.

Distribution: npm / http / https

Demo's and documentation

Using the webcomponents library

Script tag

  • Put the following script tag in the head of your index.html: <script src='https://unpkg.com/@ske/components/dist/ske.js'></script>
  • You can then use the webcomponents anywhere in your template, JSX, html etc.

Node Modules

  • Run npm install @ske/components --save
  • Put a script tag similar to this <script src='node_modules/@ske/components/dist/ske.js'></script> in the head of your index.html
  • Then you can use the webcomponents anywhere in your template, JSX, html etc

In a stencil-starter app

  • Run npm install @ske/components --save
  • Add an import to the npm packages import '@ske/components';
  • Then you can use the webcomponents anywhere in your template, JSX, html etc

Using the javascript modules library

  • Run npm install @ske/components --save
  • ES5 usage: import { ConfigService, DomUtil } from '@ske/components/dist/lib/index'
  • ES6 usage: import { ConfigService, DomUtil } from '@ske/components/dist/collection/index'

Dev: getting started

Clone the repo, then run:

npm install
npm start

To watch for file changes during develop, run:

npm run dev

To build the components and classes for production, run:

npm run build

To run the unit tests for the components and classes, run:

npm test

Need help? Check out the Stencil docs here.

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