This is a "rules only" Assistant, meaning it contains only rule implementations and no configuration. Adding this Assistant to Sketch won't do anything because rules need to be activated in configuration before they will report anything.
Make use of this Assistant by extending from it in your own Assistants and adding configuration for the rules listed below.
Available rules
This Assistant exports the following rules.
- @sketch2react/sketch2react-core-assistant/group-name-component-name
- @sketch2react/sketch2react-core-assistant/text-name-component-name
- @sketch2react/sketch2react-core-assistant/occurrence-of-artboard
- @sketch2react/sketch2react-core-assistant/occurrence-of-page
- @sketch2react/sketch2react-core-assistant/group-name-css-classnames
- @sketch2react/sketch2react-core-assistant/text-name-css-classnames