
Toolchain for Node projects

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skypilotToolchain from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@skypilot/toolchain';



npm stable stable build npm next next build Codacy grade downloads license: ISC

An opinionated toolchain for developing Node packages.

Toolchain comes configured with:

  • Babel
  • ESLint
  • Jest
  • TypeScript
  • Lint-Staged (using Husky)
  • GitHub Actions versioning & publication workflows

with a pre-commit hook to enforce linting on commit.

What does it do

Toolchain installs all dependencies & configurations needed to start creating Node projects using TypeScript. Compilation, typing, linting, release versioning, and publication are pre-configured.

How to install

$ yarn add --dev @skypilot/toolchain
$ yarn toolchain init

The toolchain init command creates a set of configuration files that include scripts & configs for distributing the project as a package. A planned change is to have toolchain init create only the core files & configs. A separate command would add the files & configs for creating a package.

If Husky's post-install script isn't run automatically, use the command yarn toolchain install-husky to run the script.

How to use

Once Toolchain is installed and initialized:

  • The linter will run automatically on each commit Note: Branches beginning with wip- or ending with -wip will not be linted

  • ESLint, Jest, and TypeScript will automatically use the configurations created by Toolchain

GitHub Actions workflows will

  • run code-quality checks on every push to GitHub (except wip/, wip- and -wip branches)
  • publish an NPM package on every push to GitHub on the stable or prerelease branches

How to publish releases

Toolchain creates GitHub Actions workflows that automate the process of creating and releasing NPM packages. Two different types of automated releases are supported:

  • Stable release: Has an ordinary semver version number, such as 1.1.2
  • Prerelease: Has a version number with a version-tag suffix and iteration number, such as 1.0.0-beta.0

The workflows are configured to automatically

  • publish a stable release on every push to main
  • publish a prerelease on every push to alpha, beta, or next branch

Toolchain performs the following steps when a release is created. If any step fails, the release is halted.

  • Run all automated checks (typechecking, linting, and testing)
  • Build the package and generate types
  • Determine the next version number (based on commit messages)
  • Create a version tag
  • Publish the package to NPM (if publication is enabled)
  • If the version stage is designated as the latest stage, tag the package as latest

For stable releases, the workflow will also:

  • Bump the version number in package.json
  • Generate an updated CHANGELOG.md
  • Commit these changes to the stable branch
  • Tag the package as latest

To designate a stage other than the stable-release branch as the latest stage, add the stage name to .skypilot/quick-release.yaml.

Example: This setting designates the beta stage as the latest stage.

  latestStage: 'beta'

Convenience scripts

These convenience scripts are added to package.json by yarn toolchain init:

  • all-ci-checks: Locally run the status checks that are run by the continuous-integration workflow
  • all-cq-checks: Run code-quality checks: linting, type-checking, and standalone tests
  • build: Build the project for distribution as an NPM package
  • ci: An alias for all-ci-checks
  • cq: An alias for all-cq-checks
  • generate-typings: Generate typings for the distribution
  • lint: Run the linter
  • prepublishOnly: Run all checks and build steps in preparation for publication to NPM
  • tc: An alias for typecheck
  • test: An alias for test:standalone
  • test:all: Run all tests using Jest
  • test:integration: Run all integration tests (tests that rely on external services) using Jest
  • test:standalone: Run all standalone tests (app, component, and unit tests, which do not rely
  • typecheck: Checks that all types in the project are valid

To run a script, use yarn run SCRIPT_NAME.