
SlateJS color mark plugin.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slateEditorColorPlugin from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@slate-editor/color-plugin';


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SlateJS color plugin.

npm package npm downloads


The @slate-editor/color-plugin is available as an npm package.

yarn add @slate-editor/color-plugin


Here is a quick example to get you started:

import React from 'react'
import { SlateEditor, SlateToolbar, SlateContent } from 'slate-editor'
import { ColorPlugin, ColorButton, ColorStateModel } from '@slate-editor/color-plugin'

const colorPluginOptions = new ColorStateModel().rgba({ r: 100, g: 100, b: 100, a: 1 }).gen()

const plugins = [

const SlateRichTextEditor = () => (
  <SlateEditor plugins={plugins}>
        pickerDefaultPosition={{ x: -520, y: 17 }}

    <SlateContent />

export default SlateRichTextEditor

Keyboard Shortcut

OS Action Shortcut
Apple Logo Toggle Color Picker ^ + alt + l
Windows Logo Toggle Color Picker ^ + alt + l


Name Description
ColorMark Component that holds the html that will wrap the content with color style.
ColorUtils Generic file that holds the util common functions.
ColorButton Button component that have behaviour to wrap content with color style.
ColorKeyboardShortcut Keyboard shortcut file that manipulates onKeyDown event inside SlateJS.
ColorStateModel Class that knows the state structure of the plugin


  • Make keyboard shortcut accepts customization;
  • Add keyboard shortcut to apply color to expanded selection;
  • Add keyboard shortcut to remove color from expanded selection;
  • Add button to apply color to expanded selection;
  • Add button to remove color from expanded selection;
  • Add handle to manipulates collapsed selection to remove color to anchor word;
  • Add behaviour to show which color have applied to collapsed selection;
  • Add behaviour to show which color have applied to expanded selection;