
Dot files for use in sleepstation projects

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sleepstationDotfiles from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sleepstation/dotfiles';



This project contains configuration shared between sleepstation projects for the following libraries.

  • eslint
  • styleint
  • prettier
  • husky
  • commitlint

Install this library using npm

npm i @sleepstation/dotfiles

Then use its dotfiles in the project as follows


Eslint uses its own extension API. A project's .eslintrc.js should extend this config like this:

module.exports = {
  extends: './node_modules/@sleepstation/dotfiles/src/eslintrc.js',


Stylelint uses its own extension API. A project's .stylelintrc.js should extend this config like this:

module.exports = {
  extends: './node_modules/@sleepstation/dotfiles/src/stylelintrc.js',


A project's .prettierrc.js should look like this:

const baseConfig = require('@sleepstation/dotfiles/src/prettierrc')
const { merge } = require('ramda')

module.exports = merge(baseConfig, {
  // Add overrides here


A project's .commitlintrc.js should look like this:

const baseConfig = require(`@sleepstation/dotfiles/src/commitlintrc`)
const { merge } = require(`ramda`)

module.exports = merge(baseConfig, {
  // Add overrides here


A project's .huskyrc.js should look like this:

const baseConfig = require(`@sleepstation/dotfiles/src/huskyrc`)
const { merge } = require(`ramda`)

module.exports = merge(baseConfig, {
  // Add overrides here


Try to avoid making local modifications unless they are for very localised problems. Any configuration or rules you find could be improved should be changed here and the package republished so all dependents use the same set of dotfiles and apply the same set of rules to code so that code across all Sleepstation projects is linted and formatted identically.