
Add .test domains to your hosts file

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sliomereJeeves from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sliomere/jeeves';



Serving your sites. Easily.


About Jeeves

Jeeves is a small script that you can use to refer to your website by a local .test domain. For example, let's say you run jeeves on a site named "MyWebApp", jeeves will then add " mywebapp.test" to the hosts file and create a VirtualHost for apache to serve the site.


npm install sliomere/jeeves


In order to use Jeeves, a few steps need to have been completed.

  1. PHP must be installed and properly configured
  2. Apache must be installed and properly configured


Create a link: jeeves link <domain>

Remove a link: jeeves unlink <domain>


The config file contains the following options:

Config Key Description Default value
vhostsFile The location of the apache httpd-vhosts.conf file C:\\Apache\\conf\\extra\\httpd-vhosts.conf
laravel Enable or disable laravel support (ensures that the link points to a /public directory) true