
Hello from [slothking.online](https://slothking.online) Communicate with slothking backend without writing communication libs. Based on great lib [unstated](https://github.com/jamiebuilds/unstated)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slothkingOnlineState from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@slothking-online/state';


State management for slothking frontend

Hello from slothking.online Communicate with slothking backend without writing communication libs. Based on great lib unstated


$ npm install @slothking-online/state


import { SlothContainer } from "@slothking-online/state";
import { Subscribe } from "unstated";
type MyState = {
  someValue: string;
  someOther: number[];

const appName = "superManager";
const myContainer = new SlothContainer<MyState>(appName);


const MyReactComponent = () => (
  <Subscribe to={[myContainer]}>
    {(con: typeof myContainer) => <div>{con.state.someValue}</div>}

Usage with slothking generated api

import { SlothContainer } from "@slothking-online/state";
import { Subscribe } from "unstated";
import { userExtensionState } from './api';

const appName = "superManager";
const myContainer = new SlothContainer<userExtensionState>(appName);


const MyReactComponent = () => (
  <Subscribe to={[myContainer]}>
    {(con: typeof myContainer) => { return con.state.valid ? <div>User logged in</div> : <div>User logged out</div>}}