Random array element without repetition
In order to select an element within an array, you can simply use Math.random()
but what about when you don't want to select an element that selected before. Here this package will come to use. This package works with simple closure, so you can simply invoke randomArrayElement once everywhere in your project then use it to generate random elements from your array no matter your array is flat or nested, it will choose a random unique element from your array until all the array element get exhausted.
How it works?
To install it you can simply do the following command:
npm i @smakss/random-array-element
yarn add @smakss/random-array-element
to include it with common js module you should do this:
var randomArrayElement = require('@smakss/random-array-element');
and to include it with ECMAscript module you can simply do this one:
import randomArrayElement from '@smakss/random-array-element';
then to use it within your application you can do it just like this:
const chooser = randomArrayElement();
// Result: -1
// If the input was not array or was empty the chooser will be equal to -1, so chooser() will throw an error.
const chooser = randomArrayElement(['Foo', 'Bar', 'FU', 'FooBar']);
// Initiating the selector once and then we can use the returned function to select random none repeatable elements from the array.
// Result: Foo
// Result: Bar
// Result: FU
// Result: FooBar
// Result: Foo
// It will only repeats, once all items within the array are exhausted.
You can check the working demo in runkit.