
Logs to console with gulp-util and notifies the user if they've asked for notifications.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smallmultiplesGulpErrorLogger from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@smallmultiples/gulp-error-logger';


Gulp Error Logger

Takes an error object and tries to find the best thing to log from it. Optionally, depending on settings at creation, can pop up a system notification.


var errorFactory = require('gulp-error-logger')
var errorHandler = errorFactory()

// etc

foo.on('error', errorHandler)
bar.on('error', errorHandler)



Returns a handler function that takes an error parameter, logging and notifying as necessary.

options is an optional object with optional properties:

  • notifications: Boolean, default true, send notifications when logging or not.
  • notificationMessage: Function that takes an error object and returns the message you want the notification to have.
  • notificationTitle: Function that takes an error object and returns the title you want the notification to have.
  • notifier: Function that takes an object with a title and a message, causes a notification to appear on the system. Defaults to node-notifier.
  • logger: Function that takes a string and logs it in some way. Defaults to gutil.log.