
Functions for uploading files/applications to s3

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smallmultiplesS3 from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@smallmultiples/s3';



Methods for deploying an SPA to s3 and uploading individual files.


var aws = { 
    key: '', 
    secret: '', 
    region: 'ap-southeast-1', 
    bucket: 'smallmu-sandbox'

// Deploying an SPA
var deployFactory = require('@smallmultiples/s3')
var deploy = deployFactory({ aws, aws })
deploy('path/to/app/**/*', 'path/to/destination', {
    base: 'path/to/app'
    versioning: false
}, function (err) {
    if (err) console.error(err)

// Uploading an individual file
var upload = require('@smallmultiples/s3/file')
    src: 'path/to/src.ext'
    dest: 'path/to/dest.ext'
    aws: aws
    gzip: true
}, function (err) {
    if (err) console.error(err)



Create the deploy() function, takes an options object, which has the following properties:

  • aws: Object containing aws credentials:
    • key: Your aws Access Key
    • secret: Your aws Secret
    • region: The region your s3 bucket lives in
    • bucket: The bucket to upload to
  • concurrent: How many concurrent uploads to run. Defaults to 20.
  • cache: An object describing the cache settings as described by gulp-awspublish-router
    • cacheTime: How long to cache for in milliseconds. Defaults to 1 year.
  • routes: A function that given a file path returns an object describing how it should be uploaded. See gulp-awspublish-router for more information. Defaults to:
    function (path) {
        return {
            // Text assets get gzipped
    : {
                gzip: true
              , key: path + 'amp;'
            // HTML gets shorter cache time
          , '^.+\.html
    : {
                gzip: true
              , key: path + 'amp;'
              , cacheTime: 1000 * 60 * 5 // 5 minutes
            // Passthrough for everything else
          , '^.+
    : path + 'amp;'

deploy(src, dest, options, callback)

Deploys the files described by src to dest, calling callback when it's done or there is an error.

  • src: Gulp style file path or array of file paths.
  • dest: Destination path to upload to, e.g., '/your/app'
  • options: Deploy specific options:
    • base: The base path of the src to remove when deploying files to dest.
    • versioning: Whether to turn on versioning. Default true. We use gulp-rev-all.
  • callback(err): Called after all files are uploaded, if there was an error it will be the first argument.

uploadFile(options, callback)

Uploads a single file to a single location on s3. Lets you specify cache time and if you want it gzipped or not.

  • options: An object with the following parameters:
    • src: The file to upload
    • dest: The place to put it on s3
    • aws: Your aws credentials object:
      • key: Your aws Access Key
      • secret: Your aws Secret
      • region: The region your s3 bucket lives in
      • bucket: The bucket to upload to
    • cache: An object describing the cache settings as described by gulp-awspublish-router, or an integer value of milliseconds to cache for (defaults to 1 year)
    • gzip: Whether or not to gzip the file. Default false.