
The Core schema used to represent a configuration driven application development experience for Enterprises.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smartMatrixCssRenderElement from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@smart-matrix/css-render-element';


Enterprise SMART Matrix - Theme CSS Render Element

The Core schema used to represent a configuration driven application development experience for Enterprises.

Logo of the project

As technology continues to shift and grow, a gap continues to emerge in how Enterprises can leverage a community of experienced and skilled developers. More important, is how to leverage this community in a scalable and secure way that enables both sides to thrive in the delivery of business-critical solutions and products.

The Enterprise SMART Matrix Schema supports a configuration driven development experience that separates developers from the technology infrastructure configured by enterprise engineers. This enables developers to create solutions against an application spec that enterprise managers can configure to their platform.

Installing / Getting started

This repository contains the Enterprise SMART Matrix application schema definitions for TypeScript. To get started with JSON install the package:

npm install @smart-matrix/smart-schema-typescript
  • This will install the package locally to your system for consumption in your project.

TypeScript Quick Start

Information about using the Type Script Definition

Typescript with Protocol Buffers Quick Start

Information about using the Proto Buffer Definition

Using Protocol Buffers Definitions

TODO: Docs


What's all the bells and whistles this project can perform?

  • What's the main functionality
  • You can also do another thing
  • If you get really randy, you can even do this


Getting started with development on this project is straight forward...

git clone https://github.com/your/awesome-project.git
cd awesome-project/
npm install

And state what happens step-by-step...


If your project needs some additional steps for the developer to build the project after some code changes, state them here:

make install

Here again you should state what actually happens when the code above gets executed.

Deploying / Publishing

In case there's some step you have to take that publishes this project to a server, this is the right time to state it.

packagemanager deploy awesome-project -s server.com -u username -p password

And again you'd need to tell what the previous code actually does.


Here you should write what are all of the configurations a user can enter when using the project.

Argument 1

Type: String
Default: 'default value'

State what an argument does and how you can use it. If needed, you can provide an example below.


awesome-project "Some other value"  # Prints "You're nailing this readme!"

Argument 2

Type: Number|Boolean
Default: 100

Copy-paste as many of these as you need.


When you publish something open source, one of the greatest motivations is that anyone can just jump in and start contributing to your project.

These paragraphs are meant to welcome those kind souls to feel that they are needed. You should state something like:

"If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and use a feature branch. Pull requests are warmly welcome."

If there's anything else the developer needs to know (e.g. the code style guide), you should link it here. If there's a lot of things to take into consideration, it is common to separate this section to its own file called CONTRIBUTING.md (or similar). If so, you should say that it exists here.


Even though this information can be found inside the project on machine-readable format like in a .json file, it's good to include a summary of most useful links to humans using your project. You can include links like:


The code in this project is licensed:

Project License