
Publish Test Results to SmartBear OneReport

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smartbearOneReportPublisher from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@smartbear/one-report-publisher';


Run Tests

OneReport Publisher

This is a tool that publishes test results to SmartBear OneReport. It is intended to be used in Continuous Integration workflows.

The tool supports the following file formats:

  • JUnit XML
  • Cucumber JSON
  • Cucumber Messages
  • Zip files (containing any of the above)

If the publisher is executed on a supported CI server, it will also send the following git metadata along with the test results:

  • Repository URL
  • Commit SHA
  • Current Branch
  • Current Tag (if available)

GitHub Actions

Add a step after all tests have run. The if: ${{ always() }} ensures results are published even if a previous test step failed.

- name: 'Publish to OneReport'
  if: ${{ always() }}
  uses: smartbear/one-report-publisher@v0.2.0
    organization-id: F5222E06-BA05-4C82-949A-2FE537B6F59F
    username: anyone
    password: ${{ secrets.ONE_REPORT_PASSWORD }}
    reports: ./reports/**/*.{xml,json,ndjson,zip}


Add a step after all tests have run. You have to make sure the command is running in a docker image that has Node.js installed (for example cimg/node).

- run:
    name: Publish test results to OneReport
    command: |
      npx @smartbear/one-report-publisher@0.2.0 \
        --organization-id F5222E06-BA05-4C82-949A-2FE537B6F59F \
        --username anyone \
        --password ${ONE_REPORT_PASSWORD} \
        --reports ./reports/**/*.{xml,json,ndjson,zip}

Command Line Reference

The command-line tool can be used in any CI pipeline that has the npx command available (it needs to have Node.js installed).

npx @smartbear/one-report-publisher@v0.2.0 --help

Usage: one-report-publisher [options]

  -o, --organization-id <id>  OneReport organization id
  -u, --username <username>   OneReport username
  -p, --password <password>   OneReport password
  -r, --reports <glob...>     Glob to the files to publish
  --url <url>                 OneReport URL (default: "https://one-report.vercel.app")
  --no-zip                    Do not zip non .zip files
  -h, --help                  display help for command


npx @smartbear/one-report-publisher@0.2.0 \
  --organization-id F5222E06-BA05-4C82-949A-2FE537B6F59F \
  --username anyone \
  --password ${ONE_REPORT_PASSWORD} \
  --reports ./reports/**/*.{xml,json,ndjson,zip}