
Google Datastore Module of SmartCloud Utility Library for Node.js

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smartcloudDatastore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@smartcloud/datastore';



Google Cloud Datastore Module of SmartCloud Utility Library for Node.js

Methods are exposed through Javascript object called CloudDatastore

npm installation

$ npm install --save @smartcloud/datastore


The module has core class named "CloudDatastore". To initialize an CloudDatastore object, pass the follow parameters.

* aggregateType - (required) specify aggregateType which is also used as target EntityKind in Google cloud datastore. 

* maxRetries - (optional) specify maximum number of times that process can retry in case of failure.  If not specified, default will be 10.

* indexColumns - (optional) specify array of property names which need to be indexed.

Sample usage

const SmartCloudDatastore = require('@smartcloud/datastore');

var client = new SmartCloudDatastore.CloudDatastore({
    aggregateType: 'Foo',
    indexColumns: ['foo1', 'foo2']


  • datastoreKey(keyOptions) method - Return Google datastore key based on keyOptions given. For keyOptions structure, follow Google datastore key.

  • datastore() method - Return current datastore instance associated with current CloudDatastore instance

  • convertObjectToUnindexedData() method - Unindex all the properties of the object targeted to persist in Google datastore excluding properties specified through indexColumns during CloudDatastore object initialization

  • saveRecord(entity, path) method - Save specified entity into Google datastore.

  • queryDatastore(query) method - Run Google datastore query

  • loadFromDatastore(key) method - Get object from Google datastore

  • deleteFromDatastore(key) method - Delete object from Google datastore

  • saveRecords(entities) method - Save multiple entities into Google datastore