
store of delta values between ntp time and local time to get an accurate sync time

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smarterservicesSmarterclock from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@smarterservices/smarterclock';



Used to ensure the time used is in sync across distributed systems. The sync is achived by the following process:

  • Fetches the time from an NTP server.
  • Adjusts for network latency and transfer time
  • Computes the delta between the NTP server and the system clock and stores the delta for later use.
  • Uses all the stored deltas to get the average time drift from UTC.

Getting Started

Install the module.

npm install @smarterservices/smarterclock

Import the module into your codebase

var smarterclock = require('@smarterservices/smarterclock')

Create an instance of the clock object passing in the required params. See the options section below for options that can be used.

var options = {};

// create a new instance
var clock = new smarterclock(options);

// get the current unix timestamp
var currentTime = clock.getTime();



The clock constructor can accept the following options. all options are optional

  • syncDelay (number) : The time (in seconds) between each call to an NTP server to get the latest UTC timestamp. Defaults to 300 (which is 5 minutes).
  • history (number): The nubmer of delta values that should be maintained and used for calculating your local time drift. Defaults to 10.
  • servers (array) : An array of NTP servers to use when looking up time. Each value in the array should be an object with the keys server and port. Defaults to pool.ntp.org.


    "syncDelay" : 60,
    "history": 10,
    "servers" : [{"server": "pool.ntp.org", "port": 123}]

## Methods


Returns unix timestamp based on delta values between server and your local time. This is the time that can be used instead of ```new Date().getTime()```
#### Example	



An on-demand method that will force a sync with an NTP server.
