Smartface MaterialTextBox Component
A marketplace component to overcome the quirks of MaterialTextBox to make it easier to use.
(cd ~/workspace/scripts && npm i materialtextbox)
- Drop-down arrow and a function to invoked upon click
- Clear all functionality for both platforms instead of X button on iOS
- Show / Hide functionality for senstivie informations like passwords
- Trim extra whitespaces ( open at default )
Options object will be assigned directly onto UI.MaterialTextBox class. You can also use platform specific values under it,
function setMaterialTextBox() {
const flEmail = this.flEmail;
flEmail.options : {
hint: "Email Address",
className: ".login" //Documented under theming section, a custom variable for multi theme
flEmail.clearAllEnabled = true;
flEmail.showHideEnabled = true;
flEmail.enableDropDown = true; // Use this if you ONLY want to have the icon.
flEmail.onDropDownClick = (isInside) => {
* This tweaks normal textbox behavior, it executes this function instead of waiting for user input.
* To re-enable normal behavior on runtime, define this property to 'undefined' or null
flEmail.trim = false; // To disable trim functionality if needed.
Alternatively, you can create your own materialTextBox object and add it to the component at will. Example :
const MaterialTextBox = require("sf-core/ui/materialtextbox");
function setMaterialTextBox() {
const signInMaterialTextBox = new MaterialTextBox({
hint: "Sign In",
text: ""
this.flEmail.initMaterialTextBox(signInMaterialTextBox); // Second parameter ( optional ) is className
// To add a barebone materialTextBox, use addChild() method of contx.
this.flEmail.addChild(signInMaterialTextBox, "materialTextBox", ".materialTextBox");
this.signInMaterialTextBox = signInMaterialTextBox;
The latest materialTextBox instance you create will override the previous one.
Learn more about addChild at contxjs.
To access the materialTextBox itself, follow this behavior
function onLoad() {
this.flEmail.materialTextBox.onActionButtonPressed = () => {
alert("Action button pressed");
this.flEmail.materialTextBox.text = "";
To learn more about MaterialTextBox, follow this guide for better understanding.
All of the properties in materialTextBox will work. You can give platform specific value directly into the object.
IMPORTANT NOTE : Initializing FlMaterialTextBox on the constructor might cause unexpected errors and styles for materialTextBox will not be applied, because the component is not in the context. Make your implementation in
methods on the page.
ADDITIONAL NOTE for adding to a library component : Use Object.defineProperties() or a
for your code and call it ononShow()
methods of the parent page.
const FlMaterialTextBox = require("sf_modules/materialtextbox");
function onLoad(superOnLoad) {
const page = this;
const flEmail = new FlMaterialTextBox();
page.layout.addChild(flEmail, "flSignIn", ".materialTextBox-wrapper");
flEmail.options = {
hint: "Enter Email"
Theming & Customization
The default theme implementation is under
file. DO NOT make changes on this file.
To change the themes as you like, simply create
with your changed styles. You can find best practices for theming under smartface documentations.
To use multiple themes across one project, simply add subclasses under .materialTextBox class and customize it as you like.
".materialTextBox": {
".login": {
"ellipsizeMode": "START",
"&-password": {
"textAlignment": "MIDRIGHT"
flEmail.options : {
hint: "Email Address",
className: ".login" //Will inherit default class themes
flPassword.options : {
hint: "Email Address",
className: "-password" //Will not inherit default class themes
The className property will be appended directly into the class which materialTextBox will use.
const class = `.materialTextBox${className}`;
Due to technical limitations, the height of wrapper and materialTextBox inside of it must be equal
- Check
- File an issue
- Follow @smartface and let us know what you think!
Author : generated by smartface 2020.