
SME Uploader language packs.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smeUploaderLocales from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sme-uploader/locales';



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Build Status

This packages contains all of the locale packs that you can use to make SME Uploader speak your language. If your language is missing, please consider contributing, starting with en_US, which is always up-to-date automatically.


$ npm install @sme-uploader/locales


$ npm install @sme-uploader/core @sme-uploader/locales
const SmeUploader = require('@sme-uploader/core');
const Russian = require('@sme-uploader/locales/lib/ru_RU');
const uploader = new SmeUploader({
  debug: true,
  meta: {
    username: 'John',
    license: 'Creative Commons'
  locale: Russian

Please see Locale Docs for more details.


The MIT License.