
A reactive form single control angular material autocomplete component. ![bs-material-autocomplete](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/19986009/126011568-caaa5b74-e46f-46b5-b56c-5fbdc2f1cf97.gif)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smithbrianscottBsMaterialAutocomplete from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@smithbrianscott/bs-material-autocomplete';


Angular Material Autocomplete


A reactive form single control angular material autocomplete component. bs-material-autocomplete

See Demo (Stackblitz)


npm install @smithbrianscott/bs-material-autocomplete

Add the styles you prefer from the @angular/material npm package to the angular.json file.

"styles": {

Also add the styles for the material icons. (You can also import this in your CSS)


Add BsMaterialAutocompleteModule to your @NgModule imports.

import { NgModule } from "@angular/core";

import { BsMaterialAutocompleteModule } from "@smithbrianscott/bs-material-autocomplete";

  imports: [BsMaterialAutocompleteModule],
export class FeatureModule {}

Add the autocomplete control using the selector <bs-material-autocomplete>.

You must use the following class. You can import this from the library.
import { BsSearchInfo } from '@smithbrianscott/bs-material-autocomplete/lib/bs-search-info';

export class BsSearchInfo {
  id: number;
  searchKeywords: string;
  displayValue: string;
  data: any;
Name Description
id Primary key value from your dataset
searchKeywords String of searchable value for the autocomplete search. i.e. 'john,doe,john doe,johndoe@gmail.com,2384756'
displayValue Displayed value after selecting an item. i.e. 'John Doe'
data Not required. Can bind your original object data value for use when item selected.

TS Component

export class MyAppComponent implements OnInit {
  myForm: FormGroup;
  searchItems: BsSearchInfo[] = [];

  constructor(private fb: FormBuilder) {}

  ngOnInit() {
    this.myForm = this.fb.group({
      personID: [null],
      person: [null, [Validators.required]], // Set required on this control if required

HTML Component

  [placeholder]="'Autocomplete Placeholder'"


Name Required Default Description
@Input() placeholder: string; Required Search Placeholder value
@Input() controlName: string; Required controlName Form control name value from your form control for the selected object
@Input() idValueControlName: string; Optional id Form control name value from your form control for the selected ID value
@Input() form: FormGroup; Required The FormGroup instance that contains the controlName
@Input() items: BsSearchInfo[]; Required [] The list of items to search using autocomplete
@Input() invalidSelectionErrorMessage: string; Optional Invalid selection, please search again Displayed message when searched item does not exist
@Input() requiredErrorMessage: string; Optional Required Displayed required message
@Output() onSelected: EventEmitter; Optional An output event of the item selected