Project People & Profile Client API
Enables the usage of the PPP backend services by client applications.
To install the ppp client api run the following command:
npm i --save @smontero/ppp-client-api
Access to most of the functionality is done through the PPP object which enables its configuration and provides access to the dfferent API objects:
import PPP from '@smontero/ppp-client-api
Before calling any of the PPP APIs, it is required to tell PPP which environment to connect to 'test' or 'prod':
After this step the public endpoints(getProfiles and searchProfiles) can be called.
Public endpoints
- getProfiles: Retrieves profiles for specific eosAccounts
- searchProfiles: Enables the search of profiles by eosAccount
Get Profiles:
To get the public profiles for specific eosAccounts:
const profileApi = PPP.profileApi();
const profiles = await profileApi.getProfiles(['testaccount']);
Example payload:
"testaccount": {
"eosAccount": "testaccount",
"appId": "__BASE_PROFILE",
"publicData": {
"name": "testuser",
"tags": [
"isVerified": 1572649554586,
"timeZone": "GA",
"customFields": [
"value": "Rock Pop",
"label": "Music"
"value": "Tennis",
"label": "Favorite Sport"
"content": "Hola!",
"avatarImage": "testaccount-1573087571312.png",
"s3Identity": "us-east-1:a9dbf7bf-d1a5-495d-9375-33e78cc2479f"
Search profiles:
To search profiles by eosaccount:
const profileApi = PPP.profileApi();
const profiles = await profileApi.searchProfiles('test');
Example payload:
"items": [
"eosAccount": "testnm11",
"publicData": {
"name": "testuser",
"isVerified": 1573432491809,
"tags": [
"timeZone": "Reino Unido",
"customFields": [],
"content": "Hi"
"eosAccount": "testnmb1",
"publicData": {
"name": "testuser2",
"tags": [
"isVerified": 1572649554586,
"timeZone": "GA",
"customFields": [
"value": "Rock Pop",
"label": "Music"
"value": "Tennis",
"label": "Favorite Sport"
"content": "Hola!",
"avatarImage": "testnmb1-1573087571312.png",
"s3Identity": "us-east-1:a9dbf7bf-d1a5-495d-9375-33e78cc2479f"
"count": 2
Private endpoints
- getProfile: Gets signed in user's profile, including private data
- register: Update signed in user's profile
- uploadImage: Upload an image associated to the signed in user
- verifySms: Verify signed in user's sms number
- verifyEmail: Verify signed in user's email
- sendMessage: Send a message
- getChats: Get all conversations the signed in user is engaged in
- getMessages: Get messages between the signed in user and another eosAccount
Authenticate with the backend:
To access the private endpoints authentication with the backend is required.
First we need to set the active user that will be used to authenticate with the backend:
The active user has to adere to the following interface:
async signTransaction(actions, options){}
async getAccountName()
To signIn the current user to the backend:
const authApi = PPP.authApi()
const session = await authApi.signIn()
It can be assumed that the signIn was successful if no exception is thrown. NOTE: For the getProfiles and searchProfiles methods setting the activeUser and signIn are NOT required.
For methods to check if the user has a valid session or to sign out of the backend look at the AuthApi class: AuthApi
Once the user has been signed in, any profile service can be called, profile related services are provided by the profileApi object.
Get Profile:
const profileApi = PPP.profileApi()
To get the current user profile:
const profile = await profileApi.getProfile(fetchType)
A fetch type can be specified to retrieve only the base profile data or only the app data or both. Please view @smontero/ppp-common ProfileFetchTypes class
To update or register a new user profile:
const profile = await profileApi.register(data)
Example data object:
{ "emailAddress": "", "smsNumber": "", "commPref": "EMAIL", "publicData": { "firstName": "Jhon", "lastName": "Doe", "countryCode": "MX", "profileImage": "testuser1111-1573251914639.png", "s3Identity": "us-east-1:ee696abc-cd8e-4ad1-8cd3-61653a39d863", "hobbies": [ "tennis" ], "bio": "Hi, this is a test", "customFields": [ { "label": "Music", "value": "Rock" } ] } }
The data object has 5 main sections:
- Root fields, which are the communication related fields: emailAddress, smsNumber, commPref look at @smontero/ppp-commnon -> RootFields and @smontero/ppp-commnon -> CommMethods
- Public Data, non app specific public profile data look at @smontero/ppp-commnon -> PublicFields, it is poosible to add fields other than the ones describe in the ppp-common PublicFields class.
- Private Data, non app specific private data, that only the owner can see
- App Public Data, app specific public profile data
- App Private Data, app specific private data, that only the owner can see
For more details on the structure of the data object look the register method docs: ProfileApi
Upload Image:
To upload an image associated to the signed in user account:
const fileName = await profileApi.uploadImage(file)
The image file is passed in as parameter, the name of the file in the store is returned.
Verfiy Email and SMS:
To verify email and sms:
await profileApi.verifyEmail(verficationCode)
await profileApi.verifySms(verficationCode)
It can be assumed that verification was successful if no exception is thrown.
Send Message:
To send a message:
await profileApi.sendMessage(eosAccount, message)
The destination eosAccount and the message are passed in as parameters.
It can be assumed that verification was successful if no exception is thrown.
Get Chats:
Retrieves the chats a specific user is involved in, returns from the most recent chat to the least recent, it can also search for a chat with specific counter party
const chats = await profileApi.getChats(search, limit, lastEvaluatedKey)
For more information on the parameters please review the docs of the method getChats
Example payload:
"items": [
"subject": "Hi...",
"isSender": true,
"counterParty": {
"firstName": "Jose Maria",
"lastName": "Gayosso",
"profileImage": "jmgayosso155-1573093624130.png",
"s3Identity": "us-east-1:a759e5af-054b-4418-84ad-5b9fcf43447f"
"eosAccount": "sebastianmb1",
"counterPartyAccount": "jmgayosso155",
"message": "Hi",
"sentAt": 1576192208645
"subject": "Como estas?...",
"isSender": true,
"counterParty": {
"firstName": "Sebastian",
"lastName": "Montero",
"profileImage": null,
"s3Identity": null
"eosAccount": "sebastianmb1",
"message": "Como estas?",
"counterPartyAccount": "sebastianm11",
"sentAt": 1576192025018
"count": 2
Get Messages:
Retrieves the messages between the current user and the user specified in the eosAccount parameter, returns from the most recent message to the least recent
const messages = await profileApi.getMessages(search, limit, lastEvaluatedKey)
For more information on the parameters please review the docs of the method getMessages
Example payload:
"items": [
"subject": "Bien!...",
"senderAccount": "sebastianm11",
"messageKey": "e2a3ec40-1d34-11ea-a8ec-73978b79e52c",
"eosAccount": "sebastianmb1",
"message": "Bien!",
"sentAt": 1576192356612
"subject": "Como estas?...",
"senderAccount": "sebastianmb1",
"messageKey": "1cfeb1a0-1d34-11ea-a8ec-73978b79e52c",
"eosAccount": "sebastianm11",
"message": "Como estas?",
"sentAt": 1576192025018
"subject": "Hola...",
"senderAccount": "sebastianmb1",
"messageKey": "1899a9d0-1d34-11ea-a8ec-73978b79e52c",
"eosAccount": "sebastianm11",
"message": "Hola",
"sentAt": 1576192017645
"count": 3