
Event emitter and helpers

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smoovyEvent from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@smoovy/event';



Version Size


npm install --save @smoovy/event

The Event emitter

Import the emitter as usual:

import { EventEmitter } from '@smoovy/event';


To use the event emitter you can either create a new instance directly or use it as a parent class.

const emitter = new EventEmitter();
// or
class UltraFancyEmitter extends EventEmitter {}

Emitting events

You have multiple options when it comes to the emission of events:

// Emit a single value
emitter.emit('eventName', 'A random string');

// Emit an other data type (object)
emitter.emit('eventName', { name: 'Mistadobalina' });

// Emit multiple events with different data types
  eventName1: 'Some data',
  eventName2: [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]

Listening/Unlistening for events

Listening to events is pretty simple:

emitter.on('eventName', (data) => {
  // Handle your data

To unlisten you have two options:

const listener = (data) => {};
const unlisten = emitter.on('eventName', listener);

// Unlisten from callback or...

// Unlisten the old-fashioned way
emitter.off('eventName', listener);

When you have many listeners going wild in your application, you can use this litte helper function to stack those:

import { listenCompose } from '@smoovy/event';

const unlisten = listenCompose(
  emitter.on('eventName1', () => {}),
  emitter.on('eventName2', () => {}),
  emitter.on('eventName3', () => {})

// Easily unsubcribe from all simultaneously

listenCompose simply merges all "unsubscribe callbacks" into one

Intercepting/Transforming values from listeners

This special functionality handles your listeners/emissions differently. You can simply pass a callback function to your emission in order to receive the corresponding return values from the listeners for the emitted event:

emitter.on('eventName1', ({ x, y }) => {
  return {
    x: Math.max(x, 0),
    y: Math.max(y, 0)

  { x: 10, y: -10 },
  (data) => {
    // This will be called everytime a listener was called
    // The `data` will be: { x: 10, y: 0 }

This can be useful if you want to let a user make some transformations to the emitted data

Attention: This can get difficult to maintain and debug quickly, so use it wisely!

Mute/Unmute events

You can simply mute events by telling the emitter:

const unmute = emitter.muteEvents(

emitter.emit('eventName1', 'Yo?') // Will be dismissed
emitter.emit('eventName1', 'Yo!') // Goes through

Reflecting events

Reflect events to a different emitter. Muted events will not be reflects:

const reflectedEmitter = new Emitter();

// Reflect events to reflectedEmitter

// Listen for events
reflectedEmitter.on('eventName1', (msg) => console.log(msg));

// Dispatch event in base emitter
emitter.emit('eventName1', 'reflected'); // Displays 'reflected'

// Remove reflected emitters

Development commands

// Serve with parcel
npm run serve

// Build with rollup
npm run build

// Run Jest unit tests
npm run test

// Run TSLinter
npm run lint


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).