
Regular expression markup grammars.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import smotaalGrammars from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@smotaal/grammars';


SMotaal's Grammars

Regular expression markup grammars.

These grammars represent the set of barebone elements needed for fine-enough grained parsing with a one-size-fits semi-contextual tokenizer. Naturally, they rely on abstractions that do not currently have a well-defined conceptual paradigm.

Note: All grammars are not yet stable.

These grammars are constantly being revised to meet experimental requirements of @smotaal/tokenizer. They do not conform to any particular specifications at the moment.

That said, they have been used reliably and responsibly to build the prototype of the Markout client-side engine I use on my own site.

JS JavaScript

  • javascript-grammar aims for spec-level granularity.
  • javascript-extended-grammar intends to go rouge.
  • typescript-grammar is there to make markout happy.

HTML Hypertext Markup Language

  • html-grammar aims for spec-level granularity.

CSS Cascading Style Sheets

  • css-grammar is there to make html-grammar happy.

MOMD Markout-Markdown

  • markdown-grammar is there to make markout happy.