
A simple command parser made specifically for Snooful.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import snoofulOrangeredParser from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@snooful/orangered-parser';


Orangered Parser

GitHub release npm Travis (.com)

A lightweight command parser for Snooful.


Install from the npm registry:

npm install @snooful/orangered-parser


Require it in Node.js:

const parser = require("@snooful/orangered-parser");

Registering Commands

You can parse a command via an object or a Command class.

parser.register(new parser.Command(command));

You can also register a command from another file using Node.js' require:


Furthermore, you can register an entire directory. The first argument is the relative path to the directory and the second controls whether to do this recursively (it defaults to true).

parser.registerDirectory("./more_commands", false);

Parsing Input

Parsing a command will automatically run it.

// Parse and execute a registered command
parser.parse("code 'something very' 1337");

If you would like to pass extra data to a command, use the pass argument. Arguments will replace these if they have the same keys, so be careful.

parse.parse("nodejs 11", {
    version: "11",

Accessing the Registry

You can access the command registry by calling parser.getCommandRegistry(). This provides you with a Map.

const registry = parser.getCommandRegistry();

To get a command from the registry, simply call registry.get(command).

const cmd = registry.get("code");

You can filter out aliases by checking if the command's original name is the same as its name:

registry.filter(command => {
    return command.originalName !== command.name;