
Optimize your unbundled Snowpack app:

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import snowpackPluginOptimize from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@snowpack/plugin-optimize';



Optimize your unbundled Snowpack app:


From a terminal, run the following:

npm install --save-dev @snowpack/plugin-optimize

Then add this plugin to your Snowpack config:

// snowpack.config.json
  "plugins": [
    ["@snowpack/plugin-optimize", { /* see options below */ }]

Plugin Options

Name Type Description
minifyJS boolean Enable JS minification (default: true)
minifyCSS boolean Enable CSS minification (default: true)
minifyHTML boolean Enable HTML minification (default: true)
preloadModules boolean Experimental: Add deep, optimized <link rel="modulepreload"> tags into your HTML. (default: false)
preloadCSS boolean Experimental: Eliminate .css.proxy.js files and combine imported CSS into one file for better network performance (default: false)
preloadCSSFileName string If preloading CSS, change the name of the generated CSS file. Used only in conjunction with preloadCSS: true (default: /imported-styles.css)
target string,string[] The language target(s) to transpile to. This can be a single string (ex: "es2018") or an array of strings (ex: ["chrome58","firefox57"]). If undefined, no transpilation will be done. See esbuild documentation for more.