
This repository based on the implementation "Angular 5+ and Microsoft Azure Application Insights implementation" by [DevHelp.Online](http://www.DevHelp.Online) and was modified to use the solution with IONIC. If you need a implementation for Angular 5+ yo

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import softwarepioniereIonicApplicationInsights from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@softwarepioniere/ionic-application-insights';


IONIC 3+ and Microsoft Azure Application Insights implementation

This repository based on the implementation "Angular 5+ and Microsoft Azure Application Insights implementation" by DevHelp.Online and was modified to use the solution with IONIC. If you need a implementation for Angular 5+ you could find it here.


Install & save the library to your package.json:

$ npm i -S @softwarepioniere/ionic-application-insights

Then add the library to your Angular Root AppModule:

// Import the Application Insights module and the service provider
import { ApplicationInsightsModule, AppInsightsService } from '@softwarepioniere/ionic-application-insights';

  imports: [
    // ... your imports

    // Add the Module to your imports
      instrumentationKey: 'Your-Application-Insights-instrumentationKey'
  // ... providers / etc
  providers: [ ..., AppInsightsService ],
export class YourRootModule { }

What if you don't know your instrumentationKey right away?

// Use instrumentationKeySetlater
  instrumentationKeySetlater: true // <--

// Then later in your Application somewhere
  private appInsightsService: AppInsightsService
) {
  appInsightsService.config = {
    instrumentationKey: __env.APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY // <-- set it later sometime
  // then make sure to initialize and start-up app insights


Through out your application you can now use the AppInsightsService class to fire off AppInsights functionality.

import { AppInsightsService } from '@softwarepioniere/ionic-application-insights';

export class ShoppingCartComponent {
  public cart: [];
  constructor(private appInsightsService: AppInsightsService) {}

  saveCart(user) {
    // MOCK Example of sending a trackEvent()
    // Saving some sample user & cart product data
    this.appInsightsService.trackEvent('ShoppingCart Saved', { 'user': user.id, 'cart': cart.id });

Usage with IONIC in production build

If you build your app in production mode like

npm run build  

the code get minified and the page name was gone. In this case your must set a variable named aiName. If this variable is set, it was used as page name to send it to application insights. For Example

    selector: 'page-contact',
    templateUrl: 'contact.page.html',
export class ContactPage {
    private aiName: string = "ContactPage";

Usage with Aspnetcore-Angular2-Universal repo or JavaScriptServices ( apps w/ Server-side rendering )

ie: https://github.com/MarkPieszak/aspnetcore-angular2-universal

First, make sure you are only importing the library & the server within the browser-app.module NgModule (do not share it within a common one, as the server isn't able to use this library during it's server-renders).

Secondly, make sure you are calling the injector to get AppInsightsService during ngOnInit:

export class HomeComponent implements OnInit {

    private AIService: AppInsightsService;
    private isBrowser: boolean;

    constructor(@Inject(PLATFORM_ID) private platformId, private injector: Injector) {
        this.isBrowser = isPlatformBrowser(this.platformId);

    ngOnInit() { // <-- 
        if (this.isBrowser) { // <-- only run if isBrowser
            this.AIService = <AppInsightsService>this.injector.get(AppInsightsService); // <-- using the Injector, get the Service
            this.AIService.trackEvent('Testing', { 'user': 'me' });


You can see a list of the API here: https://github.com/Microsoft/ApplicationInsights-JS/blob/master/API-reference.md#class-appinsights


If using SystemJS

Modify systemjs.config.js...

In System.Config.map, add:

      'applicationinsights-js': 'npm:applicationinsights-js/JavaScript/JavaScriptSDK.Module/AppInsightsModule.js',
      '@softwarepioniere/ionic-application-insights': 'npm:@softwarepioniere/ionic-application-insights/dist/index.js'

and in System.Config.packages, add:

      '.': {
         defaultExtension: 'js'

Want to Contribute

ng-Application-Insights Development

To generate all *.js, *.js.map and *.d.ts files:

npm run build

To lint all *.ts files:

npm run lint


MIT © Mark Pieszak | DevHelp Online

Twitter: @MarkPieszak

Modified by

MIT © Torsten Zwoch | Software Pioniere GmbH & Co. KG

Twitter: @TorstenZwoch | @SoftwarePionier