
Node CLI, shell, tests and task runner utilities

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import solidJsCli from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@solid-js/cli';


Solid Node CLI utilities

@solid-js/cli is a very simple node library to show small running tasks and messages in any terminal. Dependencies are Chalk for text transforms and mri for argument parsing. This lib uses Inquirer to manage user inputs. We use strip-ansi to count chars even when stylised for CLI (removes bold or color markers from string).

Solid CLI Demo

This gif is recorded from demo.js.


To install Nanostache in your Node project :

npm install @solid-js/cli


yarn add @solid-js/cli


const { createSpaces, print, offset, ... } = require('@solid-js/cli');


Show a big old ASCII banner

banner(title, width = 78, margin = 1, padding = 2);


Print some content to the stdout, with bold and same line options. Set newLine to false to disable trailing \n\r. Useful if you need to append some texts on the same line after.

print(content, bold = false, newLine = true);


Returns an offset text with leading spaces.

const offsetText = offset(3, 'My offset');
// '   My offset'

New line

Write a new line to stdout



Show a message in red and bold to stderr. Exit current process. Exit code can be overridden, default exit code is 1.

halt('This is a pretty big error')


Run any shell command synchronously.

// Sync version
const result = execSync('ls -la');

Wrap in try catch to get errors.

let result;
    result = execSync('./custom-command.sh');
catch ( e )
    halt( e );
print( result );
// Async version
    const stdout = await exec('ls -la');
catch ( e )
    // e === stderr

By default, stdout and stderr are hidden. To change this behavior, Set stdLevel to :

  • 0 (default) : No stdout and stderr are shown. Use return and try / catch to get them.
  • 1 : Only stdout is shown
  • 2 : Only stderr is shown
  • 3 : Both stdout and stderr are shown

Know more about options :

// No stdout and stderr shown, use return and try / catch to get them
const result = execSync('command', 2);
// Only stderr are shown. Stdin is in result
// Setting custom options
execSync('command', 2, {
    cwd: 'otherDirectory/'
// Options argument can be collapsed onto stdlevel argument.
execSync('command', {
    stdio: 'my super specific stdio'


// Create and show a new task on CLI
const spriteTask = task('Building sprites');
// ➤ Building sprites ...
// Set to success
// ✔ Building sprites
// Set to success with updated text
spriteTask.success(`Built ${ total } sprites`);
// ✔ Built 12 sprites
Task error
task.error( errorObject, code = 0 );

First argument errorObject can be :

  • null (will print nothing)
  • a string
  • an object containing stdout and stderr properties
  • an error object

Second argument code will exit if code > 0. Note : process.exit can be hooked with hookStandards().

// Set to error
// ✘ Building sprites
// Set to error, show message to stderr and exit process 
spriteTask.error( myError, 1 );
// ✘ Building sprites
// Error message
Task progress

Show a progress bar next to the current task. Width can be set, default width is 30px.

spriteTask.progress( 3, 12 ) // 3 per 12 is 3 / 12
// ✔ Building ██░░░░░░░░░░░░
spriteTask.progress( 3, 3 ) // 3 per 3 is 1
// ✔ Building ██████████████
spriteTask.progress( 1, 100, 50 ) // 1 per 100
// ✔ Building █░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
Asynchronous task chaining
await task('My task').run( async t => {
    // t is task instance so you can t.success or t.error if needed
    await stuff1();
    await stuff2();
    // If any error occurs, task will stop and show error
    // If everything is good, task will show success and promise will be resolved


Will show a nice table to the CLI

const data = [
    ['File', 'Size', 'Is a module'],
    ['test.js', 534, true],
    ['other-file.js', 1535, false],
    ['data.js', 42, false],
    ['test.js', 534, true]
table( data, true ); // first line are labels
// With some display options
table( data, firstLineAreLabels = false, minColumnWidths = [40, 20, 20], lineStart = ' ', lineEnd = '', separator = chalk.grey(' │ ');
// Get column position to align some info bellow table.
// columnPositions has one item more than total number of columns (container table start and table end)
const columnPositions = table( data );


const { test } = require('@solid-js/cli');

test("My lib's feature", it =>
    // "It" is a function to declare list of assertions
    // Every "it" will add a progress bar to the current task
    // Every "it" can be sync or async it does not matter
    it('sould return 42', assert =>
        // Here we call our tested method / lib
        const result = myLib.doStuff();
        // The assertion will fail if the result is not exactly 42
        assert( result, 42 );
    it('sould throw error', assert => 
        // We try error throw for example here
        // Assertion will fail if our lib does not throw expected error
            myLib.doStuff('invalid parameter');
        catch (e)
            assert( e instanceof Error );
        assert( false );
    // Every test will stop and process will quit with an error code
    // If any assertion have failed.

// Will wait previous test to start ...
test("Another test", it =>
    // ...

Commands from argv

const { commands } = require('./cli');

// Use commands.add to register a command for CLI

// $ script dev -> { port: 4000, noCheck: false }
// $ script dev --port 2000 -> { port: 2000, noCheck: false }
// $ script dev --noCheck -> { port: 4000, noCheck: true }
commands.add('dev', { port: 4000, noCheck: false }, (options) =>
    // Do dev stuff ...

// $ script production
commands.add('production', () =>
    // Do production stuff ...

// $ script help
commands.add('help', () =>
    // Show help to user ...

// Will execute command with loose check
// Argument need to start like command to execute it
// $ script big
commands.add('bigCommandName', () => {});

// Start parsing and run matching command
commands.start( command =>
    // $ script
    // command === '' if no command is given
    // $ script badcommandname
    // command === 'badcommandname' if command has been given but not found
    // Show help to lost users

TODO : Doc for askMenu

TODO : Doc for askList

TODO : Doc for askInput