
Boilerplate configuration for Stylelint CSS linter

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import songkickStylelintConfigSongkick from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@songkick/stylelint-config-songkick';


Songkick stylelint Config

A boilerplate configuration for stylelint, with SCSS syntax linting by stylelint-scss.

This project is currently an experimental WIP. For the most part it follows existing Songkick and some former CrowdSurge CSS patterns. We'll gradually add/remove rules as we work out what does and doesn't work for us.

What will this do?

This linter is designed to enforce syntax and coding style - rather than any specific architectural patterns. It will generally not force you to write your CSS to fit a certain methodology or practice, but will make sure that CSS is written in a way that looks consistent and familiar across projects.

 Installation and Configuration

In your project run:

npm install stylelint stylelint-scss @songkick/stylelint-config-songkick --save-dev

Add a .stylelintrc file to your project which extends this configuration:

    "extends": "@songkick/stylelint-config-songkick"

Where the linting rules don't suit a certain project, or cause issues when including the linter in an existing codebase, you can also override and add to these rules as required:

    "extends": "@songkick/stylelint-config-songkick",
    "rules": {
        "indentation": 2,
        "declaration-no-important": true

Full documentation on the stylelint config file can be found here: http://stylelint.io/user-guide/configuration/#the-configuration-object

Enforced CSS Lints


  • 4-space soft tabs by default.


  • All lowercase everything;
    • Selectors; types, pseudo-selectors (eg. a, div, :hover)
    • Property names (eg. width, height, margin)
    • @-rules (eg. @media, @keyframe)
    • Function names (eg. scale(0.5))
    • Units (eg. px, em, s)
    • Hex codes (eg. #f80046)
  • Uppercase only where required; eg. URLs, typeface names.

Rule Structure

  • Every rule must be on it's own line. Always include an additional empty line between multi-line rules.
  • Include a space between the final selector and the opening brace of a rule.
  • The closing brace of a multi-line rule must be on it's own line.

Selector Structure

  • Selectors cannot be qualified with an element type. (ie. div.class-name - Note: This excludes attribute selectors).
  • Each selector must be placed on a new line.
  • In descendent selectors only a single space should separate each. No newlines.
  • In multiple selector rules, place the comma at the end of the selector name.

Declaration Structure

  • The colon in a declaration must have a space after, but not before (ie. width: 123px;).
  • When declaring !important, you must place a space before, but never after the bang. (ie. width: 123px !important;).
  • Shorthand properties that override longhand properties will error (eg. Using margin property in a rule after margin-left).
  • Rules with multiple declarations must have each on a new line.
  • Semicolons must be on the same line as their declaration.
  • Always close a declaration with a semicolon - including the last.


  • Each rule must be on it's own line.
  • Include a space after the name of the @-rule (ie. @media (min-width ...)).
  • Include a space after the colon of a feature (eg. min-width: 123px).


  • Include a space after each comma in functions where multiple values occur (eg. skew(30deg, 20deg)).
  • When declaring multiple functions, include a space between each (eg. transform: scale(1.5) rotateX(10deg);).
  • Don't use quotes when declaring URLs (ie. background-image: url(foo.jpg);)


  • Don't use multiple redundant shorthand values (eg. margin: 1px 1px 1px 1px; should be margin: 1px;)


  • Don't use units on length values which are zero (ie 0px > 0).
  • Units should have no more than 2 decimals of precision (ie. 1.23px).
  • Do use leading zeroes in fractional numbers less than 1 (ie. 0.5px).
  • Don't use trailing zeroes in fractional numbers (eg. 1.50px).


  • Use quotes around font names that require it (eg. "Proxima Nova"), not around ones that don't (eg. Arial).


Please read the included Contribution Guidelines guide before working on this project.