
SovTech's semantic-release shareable configuration

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sovtechSemanticReleaseConfig from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@sovtech/semantic-release-config';



Version Documentation Maintenance License: MIT

SovTech's shareable semantic-release configuration


This shareable configuration uses the following plugins:


  • Provides an informative git commit message for the release commit that does not trigger continuous integration and conforms to the conventional commits specification (e.g., "chore(release): 1.2.3 [skip ci]\n\nnotes").
  • Commits the version change in package.json.
  • Creates or updates a changelog file.
  • Posts updates from above changelog to a slack channel.


With Yarn

$ yarn add -D semantic-release @sovtech/semantic-release-config

With NPM

$ npm install --save-dev semantic-release @sovtech/semantic-release-config


The shareable config can be configured in the semantic-release configuration file:

Via release key in the project's package.json file:

  "release": {
    "extends": "@sovtech/semantic-release-config"

Via .releaserc file:

  "extends": "@sovtech/semantic-release-config"


Setup the Semantic Release slackbot integration on your Slack's workspace. Setup Guide

Ensure that your CI configuration has the following secret environment variables set:

  • SLACK_WEBHOOK: Slack webhook created when adding app to workspace.
  • SEMANTIC_RELEASE_PACKAGE: Override or add package name instead of npm package name.

See each plugins documentation for required installation and configuration steps.