
A 3d viewer for Speckle, based on threejs.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import speckleViewer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@speckle/viewer';


The Speckle Viewer

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We're working to stabilize the 2.0 API, and until then there will be breaking changes.


Comprehensive developer and user documentation can be found in our:

📚 Speckle Docs website

Getting started

Note, these are WIP instructions. More details coming soon!

For development purposes, to start a webpack live reload server run:

npm run serve

You can now access the example at http://localhost:9000/example.html.

To build the library, you should run:

npm run build


Syntax and examples for supported API methods. The examples assume a Viewer instance named v.

Load/Unload an object

v.loadObject( objectUrl ) / v.unloadObject( objectUrl )

Example: v.loadObject( 'https://speckle.xyz/streams/3073b96e86/objects/e05c5834368931c9d9a4e2087b4da670' )

Get properties of loaded objects


This returns a dictionary with { propertyName: propertyInfo } elements. The property information provided is:

  • type ( == 'string' / 'number' / 'boolean'): the property type
  • objectCount (int): How many objects in the scene have this property
  • allValues (array of objectCount elements): The values for this property of all objects that have this property
  • minValue - the smallest value (using < operator, works also on strings)
  • maxValue - the largest value
  • uniqueValues - a dictionary of { uniqueValue: occurenceCount } elements, secifying how many objects have the property set to that specific value

Filtering and coloring

Those calls filter and color the objects loaded in the scene, and drops the previous applied filters (filtering is not additive).

Syntax: await v.applyFilter( { filterBy, colorBy, ghostOthers } )

The 3 optional parameters are:

  • filterBy: A dictionary that specify the filter. Elements are in the form { propertyName: propertyValueFilter }. The propertyValueFilter can be one of:

    • A specific value: (only objects with that property value pass the filter)
    • An array of values: An object passes the filter if its value is in the array
    • A range of values, specified by { 'gte': value1, 'lte': value2 } (greater than or equal, lower than or equal)
    • An exclusion list, specified by { 'not': excludedValuesArray }
  • colorBy: A dictionary that makes all objects colored based on a property value. Two types of coloring are supported:

    • Gradient (from a numeric property): { 'type': 'gradient', 'property': propertyName, 'minValue': propertyMinValue, 'maxValue': propertyMaxValue, 'gradientColors': [color1, color2], default: colorForObjectsWithMissingProperty }
    • Category (for coloring each unique value differently): { 'type': 'category', 'property': propertyName, 'values': { value1: color1, value2: color2, ... }, 'default': colorForAnyOtherValue }. The values and the default parameters are optional: Random colors are generated if they are ommited.
  • ghostOthers: A boolean (default false). If set to true, then the objects that are filtered out are actually shown with very low opacity, so that the remaining objects have a better context.

For colorBy, setting a color to null will use the original material instead of coloring it.

To remove all filters: await v.applyFilter( null )


If in trouble, the Speckle Community hangs out on the forum. Do join and introduce yourself! We're happy to help.


Unless otherwise described, the code in this repository is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with us via email.