
ExtJS Package - IntlTelInput ExtJs Wrapper

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import spmeessemanExtjsPkgIntltelinput from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@spmeesseman/extjs-pkg-intltelinput';


IntlTelInput - ExtJs Wrapper for International Telephone Input

authors app-type app-lang app-publisher


This package provides a full stack between an ExtJs client and a backend database using the ExtJS data package API.


To install this module run the following command from the directory containing the project's package.json file:

$ npm install @spmeesseman/extjs-pkg-intltelinput


To include the package in an ExtJS application build, be sure to add the package name to the list of required packages in the app.json file:

"requires": [

For an open tooling build, also add the node_modules path to the workspace.json packages path array.

 "packages": {
    "dir": "...${workspace.dir}/node_modules/@spmeesseman/extjs-pkg-intltelinput"


An example of usage:

require: [ 'Ext.ux.form.field.IntlPhone' ],
items: [
    xtype: 'intlphonefield'