
Brief information about the content.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import springernatureGlobalMeta from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@springernature/global-meta';


Global Meta

Brief information about the content.


To include global-meta in your application, you need to choose ONE brand from those available. The DEFAULT brand is included in all other brands, and any settings that are not configured will fall back to default.

// Pick ONE of the brands below to include
@import '@springernature/global-meta/scss/10-settings/default';
@import '@springernature/global-meta/scss/10-settings/nature';
@import '@springernature/global-meta/scss/10-settings/springer';
@import '@springernature/global-meta/scss/10-settings/springernature';

// Include this with your other components
@import '@springernature/global-meta/scss/50-components/meta';


<!-- single item-->
<div class="c-meta">
    <span class="c-meta__item">Article</span>

<!-- multiple items-->
<div class="c-meta">
    <span class="c-meta__item">Editorial</span>
    <span class="c-meta__item">15 October 2019</span>

<!-- differentiate an item -->
<div class="c-meta">
    <span class="c-meta__item">
        <span class="c-meta__type">Editorial</span>

<!-- larger font size -->
<div class="c-meta c-meta--large">
    <span class="c-meta__item">Article</span>