
Return a regular expression to match a newline character sequence.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import stdlibRegexpEol from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@stdlib/regexp-eol';



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Regular expression to match a newline character sequence.


npm install @stdlib/regexp-eol


var reEOL = require( '@stdlib/regexp-eol' );

reEOL( [options] )

Returns a Regular expression to match a newline character sequence.

var RE_EOL = reEOL();

var bool = RE_EOL.test( '\n' );
// returns true

bool = RE_EOL.test( '\r\n' );
// returns true

bool = RE_EOL.test( '\\r\\n' );
// returns false

The function accepts an options object with optional properties:

  • flags: string specifying regular expression flags. Default: ''.
  • capture: boolean indicating whether to create a capture group for the match. Default: false.

By default, the function returns a regular expression which does not have any flags specified. To specify flags, set the flags option with a list of flags (which may be in any order).

var replace = require( '@stdlib/string-replace' );

var RE_EOL = reEOL({
    'flags': 'g'

var str = '1\n2\n3';
var out = replace( str, RE_EOL, '' );
// returns '123'

By default, the function returns a regular expression which does not capture the part of a string matching the regular expression. To capture matches, set the capture option.

var RE_EOL = reEOL({
    'capture': true

var str = 'beep\nboop';
var arr = str.split( RE_EOL );
// returns [ 'beep', '\n', 'boop' ]


Regular expression to match a newline character sequence.

var bool = reEOL.REGEXP.test( 'abc' );
// returns false


Regular expression to capture a newline character sequence.

var parts = reEOL.REGEXP_CAPTURE.exec( '\n' );
// returns [ '\n', '\n' ]


var reEOL = require( '@stdlib/regexp-eol' );

var RE_EOL = reEOL();
var bool;
var str;

bool = RE_EOL.test( '\r\n' );
// returns true

bool = RE_EOL.test( '\n' );
// returns true

bool = RE_EOL.test( '\r' );
// returns false

bool = RE_EOL.test( '\\r\\n' );
// returns false

bool = RE_EOL.test( 'beep' );
// returns false

str = 'This is\na newline\r\ndelimited string.';

var arr = str.split( RE_EOL );
// returns [ 'This is', 'a newline', 'delimited string.' ]


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For more information on the project, filing bug reports and feature requests, and guidance on how to develop stdlib, see the main project repository.






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