
Tick System for performing tasks X times a second.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import stefftekTickJs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@stefftek/tick.js';


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Execute tasks multiple times a second based on a tick count. Tick.js helps to maintain a clean code without the need of thousands of setIntervals and it's easy to use!


Tick.js was created during a webex call in which we learned to use git like I didn't already knew, so because I got bored and I needed a tick based system for one of my projects, Tick.js was born.

New in 1.1.0

You can now execute functions after x amount of ticks.


NodeJS Installation

npm i @stefftek/tick.js

or - script tag for the browser

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@stefftek/tick.js@latest/TickSystem.js" type="text/javascript"></script>



with Common JS

/* Import Tick.js */
const TickSystem = require("@stefftek/tick.js");

or - TypeScript Import

/* Import Tick.js */
import TickSystem from "@stefftek/tick.js";

Using the Class

/* Create New Tick System */
/* Starts Tick System aswell */
/* Default Tickrate: 64 */
const tickSystem = new TickSystem();

/* To use other Tickrate */
const tickSystem = new TickSystem(32);

/* Add new Callback */

/* Remove Callback */

/* Debug Function */
function debug() {

/* Stop Ticking */

/* Start Ticking */
/* Only needed if stopped */

Executing functions after x amount of ticks (added in 1.1.0):

/* Wait 100 ticks till execution */
tickSystem.executeAfter(100, () => {
  console.log("I ran after 100 ticks!");

/* Wait 3 seconds till execution */
tickSystem.executeAfterSeconds(3, () => {
  console.log("I ran after 3 seconds!");

What is a tick rate?

Tick Rate defines how many times a second, the onTick function will execute. A much more simple explaination: Tick Rate is kinda like FPS in Games. More FPS means smoother animations or physics interpolation, but the cost is a higher usage of system resources.


tickSystem.callbacks : Array  // All Callbacks that are registered

tickSystem.tickRate : Number    // Tick rate specified on creation
tickSystem.currentTick : Number // The current tick from 0 to (tickRate - 1)
tickSystem.tickLatency : Number // Latency between the ticks in ms
tickSystem.tickDelta : Number   // Latency between the ticks in seconds

tickSystem.lastTick : Number  // Timestamp in ms of the last executed tick
tickSystem.tickTime : Number  // Time in ms per tick

tickSystem.performanceMonitor : PerformanceMonitor // Performance Monitor if enabled

Initial Testing seemed stable and perform well! ❤

Performance Monitoring

⚠️Warning: May impact performance⚠️ Yes... Seriously

To measure the performance of the tick system, you can enable performance monitoring.


To Disable, use .monitor(false);

Performance Reports can be collected either manual or for

  • the last frame
  • the last second
  • and for the last 5 seconds


To collect performance reports, either use


for a group report, or

tickSystem.performanceMonitor.singleReport(10) // Tick count

for a report of the size you prefer.

Please note: you can only collect Tick Rate * 5 on a single report.