
A react component that renders Stoplight flavored markdown.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import stoplightMarkdownViewer from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@stoplight/markdown-viewer';



A Stoplight Markdown viewer React component



Supported in modern browsers.

# markdown viewer + peer deps
yarn add @stoplight/markdown-viewer @stoplight/mosaic @stoplight/mosaic-code-viewer react react-dom

Basic Usage

import { DefaultSMDComponents, MarkdownViewer } from '@stoplight/markdown-viewer';
import { JSONSchemaViewer } from '@stoplight/json-schema-viewer';

const markdown = `
### Welcome

Hi there.

    components: {
      // Example of overriding the default code renderer for jsonSchema blocks
      code: props => {
        if (props.jsonSchema) {
          return <JSONSchemaViewer value={JSON.parse(props.children)} />;

        // Fallback to the default component mapping
        const DefaultCodeViewer = DefaultSMDComponents.code;
        return <DefaultCodeViewer {...props} />;


When overriding components it is often easier to do so once, globally, in the consuming application. To do so just use the MarkdownViewerProvider component.

import { MarkdownViewerProvider, MarkdownViewer } from '@stoplight/markdown-viewer';

const markdown = `[my link](http://hello.com)`;

    a: props => <a {...props} data-test="CUSTOM-1" />,
    p: props => <p {...props} data-test="CUSTOM-1" />,
  // somewhere deeper in your application... the custom a and p components will be used when rendering the markdown
  <MarkdownViewer markdown={markdown} />

More examples can be find in the Storybook stories.


  1. Clone repo.
  2. Create / checkout feature/{name}, chore/{name}, or fix/{name} branch.
  3. Install deps: yarn.
  4. Make your changes.
  5. Run tests: yarn test.prod.
  6. Stage relevant files to git.
  7. Commit: yarn commit. NOTE: Commits that don't follow the conventional format will be rejected. yarn commit creates this format for you, or you can put it together manually and then do a regular git commit.
  8. Push: git push.
  9. Open PR targeting the develop branch.