
A Webpack configuration optimizer

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import streamhiveQuickPack from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@streamhive/quick-pack';



A cancelable & typed Promise for TypeScript, Node.js & the browser.


npm install @streamhive/true-promise --save  
yarn add @streamhive/true-promise  


Extended Promises

Use cancel, resolve, reject & finally on your Promise, otherwise it's just like a regular Promise.

100% Compatible

Includes babel polyfill to run your Promises without global scope pollution, it's ready-to-use.

Built-in Types

Types for TypeScript and your IDE so you can write stuff like this & avoid development errors.

new TruePromise<string, number>((resolve, reject) => {
     resolve(42000); // TS Error
     reject('Oops'); // TS Error

How to use

ES7+ | TypeScript

const promise0 = new TruePromise<string, number>((resolve) => {  
     setTimeout(() => resolve('I <3 Promises'), 500);  

const promise1 = promise0.then(() => "Won't execute");  
promise0.cancel('I <3 Cancelling');  
console.log(await promise0);  
console.log(await promise1);

Remember to remove the types when using vanilla JavaScript.

ES5+ | Browser

<script type="text/javascript" src="true-promise.web.js"></script>  
<script type="text/javascript">  
  new TruePromise.default(function () {  
          alert('I <3 Promises')  


Do you want to know more about .resolved(), .rejected(), ... ?

Visit Quick API Manual


Let's take a few examples through a practical. If you are not using TypeScript just remove the types.

Create a basic Promise

// Create a Promise that resolves a string and errors a number  
const promise0 = new TruePromise<string, number>((resolve) => {  
     setTimeout(() => resolve('promise0'), 500);  
// Let's chain the Promise with then  
const promise1 = promise0.then((v) => {  
     return 'promise1';  
// Which returns a Promise  
console.log(await promise0);  
console.log(await promise1);


Cancel your first Promise manually

// Create a Promise that resolves a string and errors a number
const promise0 = new TruePromise<string, number>((resolve) => {
     setTimeout(() => resolve('promise0'), 500);

// Let's chain the Promise with then
const promise1 = promise0.then((v) => {
     return 'promise1';

// Let's chain the Promise with then 
const promise2 = promise1.then((v) => {
     return 'promise2';


// Which returns a Promise 
console.log(await promise0);
console.log(await promise1);
console.log(await promise2);


Why did it display undefined ? We canceled the parent Promise so promise1 could not yield a result (and any chained/nested Promise).

Only a pending promise can be canceled. Use .status() to check it's current status.

Resolve or reject your Promise manually

// Create a Promise that resolves a string and errors a number  
const promise0 = new TruePromise<string, number>((resolve) => {
     setTimeout(() => resolve('promise0'), 500);

// Let's chain the Promise with then  
const promise1 = promise0.then((v) => {
     return 'promise1';


// Which returns a Promise  
console.log(await promise0);
console.log(await promise1);

Error: Unhandled Rejection: 42

Only a pending promise can be rejected or resolved. Use .status() to check it's current status.


  • Write more serious tests.


AGPL 3.0