
awaitable callback.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import superjsAwaitor from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@superjs/awaitor';



awaitable callback.

async/await way to call callback style functions


If you want to convert callback style to async/await style, you can either:

  1. wrap the operation to return a promise
  2. just call the operation, using @superjs/awaitor as callback, like the example below



return an awaitable callback, the promiseValue of which is the args array it's called with


same as above, but it only accept two args: (err,value). If err exists, promiseValue will be err and rejected. Otherwise, promiseValue will be value.


const awaitor = require('@superjs/awaitor')
// await can't be used without being wrapped by async function
;(async ()=>{
  let cb = awaitor()
  foo(1,2,cb) // whenever a callback is needed, just use cb
  let result = await cb //result is an array, containing the args cb received
  console.log(result) // [3]

function foo(a,b,cb){

use together with @superjs/wait

wait can await something synchronously.

const awaitor = require('@superjs/awaitor')
const wait = require('@superjs/wait')

let cb = awaitor()
foo(1,2,cb) // whenever a callback is needed, just use cb
let result = wait(cb) //result is an array, containing the args cb received
console.log(result) // [3]

function foo(a,b,cb){


You can use @superjs/awaitor in both nodejs and browser environment.