
Symbl.ai Web SDK for accessing Symbl.ai APIs directly from the web browser.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import symblaiSymblWebSdk from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@symblai/symbl-web-sdk';


Symbl Web SDK

The Symbl Web SDK provides convenient access to the Symbl API from applications written in the Javascript language directly in the browser. It includes a pre-defined set of classes for a simple and clear utilization of APIs.


See the API docs.

Browser Support

Chrome Edge Firefox Safari
Windows -
Linux - -
iOS -
Android -


npm install @symblai/symbl-web-sdk


If you'd like to build a local copy of the SDK you will need Node.js installed and you can simply run the following command inside of the repository folder:

npm install && npm run build

Your build will be located in the dist/ folder.


In order to use the Symbl Web SDK you need to include it via script tags in your HTML file or in the case of a front-end web application using a framework such as React, import it in the ES2015 style.

HTML script:

<script src="https://sdk.symbl.ai/js/beta/symbl-web-sdk/latest/symbl.min.js"></script>


<script src="https://sdk.symbl.ai/js/beta/symbl-web-sdk/v0.8.6/symbl.min.js"></script>

Web Application import:

import symbl from "@symblai/symbl-web-sdk";


The SDK needs to be initialized with your account's credentials (appId & appSecret) which is available in your Symbl Platform.

    appId: '<your App ID>',
    appSecret: '<your App Secret>',
    // accessToken: '<your Access Token>', // can be used instead of appId and appSecret
    // basePath: '<your custom base path (optional)>',
    // logLevel: 'debug' // you can set which log level you want to view

Streaming API config options

The full details of the Streaming API config options can be seen here.

Additional Web SDK configs

These are configs that have been added that are specific to the Web SDK.

Name Default Description
sourceNode null For passing in an external MediaStreamAudioSourceNode object. By default the Web SDK will handle audio context and source nodes on it's own, though if you wish to handle that externally we've provided that option.
reconnectOnError false If true the Web SDK will attempt to reconnect to the WebSocket in case of error. You can also make sure of our onReconnectFail callback which will fire in case the reconnection attempt fails.

Usage Example:

const id = btoa("my-first-symbl-ai-code");

const connectionConfig = {
    insightTypes: ['action_item', 'question'],
    sourceNode: sourceNode,
    reconnectOnError: true,
    handlers: { // Read the handlers section for more
        ondevicechange: () => {
            alert('device changed!');


// Creates the WebSocket in a non-processing state
const stream = await symbl.createStream(connectionConfig);

// Send the start request
await symbl.start(stream);

Handlers / Callbacks

Web SDK provides a suite of callbacks for you to utilize in your application.

Name Description
onClose(event) Fires when the WebSocket connection closes for any reason.
onSpeechDetected(data) To retrieve the real-time transcription results as soon as they are detected. You can use this callback to render live transcription which is specific to the speaker of this audio stream. View an example of the response here
onMessageResponse(messages) This callback function contains the "finalized" transcription data for this speaker and if used with multiple streams with other speakers this callback would also provide their messages. View an example of the response here
onInsightResponse(insights) This callback provides you with any of the detected insights in real-time as they are detected. As with the onMessageCallback this would also return every speaker's insights in case of multiple streams. View an example of the response here
onTrackerResponse(trackers) This callback provides you with any of the detected trackers in real-time as they are detected. As with the onMessageCallback this would also return every tracker in case of multiple streams. View an example of the response here
onTopicResponse(topics) This callback provides you with any of the detected topics in real-time as they are detected. As with the onMessageCallback this would also return every topic in case of multiple streams. View an example of the response here
onRequestError(err) Fires when the WebSocket has an error.
onConversationCompleted(message) Fires when the conversation_completed event is recieved from the WebSocket.
onReconnectFail(err) Fires when the reconnection attempt fails. Related to the reconnectOnError config.
onStartedListening(message) Fires when the started_listening event is received from the WebSocket.
onRequestStart(message) Fires when the recognition_started event is received from the WebSocket
onRequestStop(message) Fires when the recognition_stopped event is received from the WebSocket

Using createStream to start a realtime request

Creating a stream using symbl.startRealtimeRequest(config) has been deprecated in favor of symbl.createStream(config). For createStream, the WebSocket is started in a non processing state. You must send the start request before processing any audio.

After the stream is created, you need to call symbl.start(stream) to start the stream.

How to pass in a custom sourceNode

If you wish you can pass in a custom MediaStreamAudioSourceNode object to the Web SDK. By default the Web SDK will create the AudioContext and the MediaStreamAudioSourceNode object automatically but using this will give you more control over those.

Once you create the MediaStreamAudioSourceNode object you can pass it via the connectionConfig as sourceNode

// create the MediaStreamAudioSourceNode
const AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({
    audio: true,
    video: false
context = new AudioContext();
const sourceNode = context.createMediaStreamSource(stream);

    appId: '<your App ID>',
    appSecret: '<your App Secret>',
    // accessToken: '<your Access Token>', // can be used instead of appId and appSecret
    basePath: 'https://api.symbl.ai',

const id = btoa("my-first-symbl-ai-code");
// pass in the MediaStreamAudioSourceNode as sourceNode
const connectionConfig = {
    insightTypes: ['action_item', 'question'],
    config: {
        meetingTitle: 'My Test Meeting ' + id,
        confidenceThreshold: 0.7,
        timezoneOffset: 480, // Offset in minutes from UTC
        languageCode: 'en-US',
        sampleRateHertz: 48000
    speaker: {
        // Optional, if not specified, will simply not send an email in the end.
        userId: '', // Update with valid email
        name: ''
    handlers: {
         * This will return live speech-to-text transcription of the call.
        onSpeechDetected: (data) => {
          if (data) {
            const {punctuated} = data
            console.log('Live: ', punctuated && punctuated.transcript)
          // console.log('onSpeechDetected ', JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
         * When processed messages are available, this callback will be called.
        onMessageResponse: (data) => {
          // console.log('onMessageResponse', JSON.stringify(data, null, 2))
         * When Symbl detects an insight, this callback will be called.
        onInsightResponse: (data) => {
          // console.log('onInsightResponse', JSON.stringify(data, null, 2))
         * When Symbl detects a topic, this callback will be called.
        onTopicResponse: (data) => {
          // console.log('onTopicResponse', JSON.stringify(data, null, 2))

(async () => {
    // Creates the WebSocket in a non-processing state
    const stream = await symbl.createStream(connectionConfig);

    // Send the start request
    await stream.start(stream);

Updating your external source node

If you wish to update your external source node you can do se by using the symbl.updateSourceNode function:

symbl.updateSourceNode(stream, sourceNode);

Passing in custom ondevicechange handler.

By default the Symbl Web SDK will handle the ondevicechange event and send a modify_request event to modify the sample rate with the new device's sample rate. If you wish to override this logic you can pass in your own ondevicechange handler in the handlers config.

    appId: '<your App ID>',
    appSecret: '<your App Secret>',
    // accessToken: '<your Access Token>', // can be used instead of appId and appSecret
    basePath: 'https://api.symbl.ai',
const id = btoa("my-first-symbl-ai-code");
// pass in the MediaStreamAudioSourceNode as sourceNode
const connectionConfig = {
    insightTypes: ['action_item', 'question'],
    config: {
        languageCode: 'en-US',
        sampleRateHertz: 48000
    handlers: {
        ondevicechange: () => {
          // add your logic here.

(async () => {
    // Creates the WebSocket in a non-processing state
    const stream = await symbl.createStream(connectionConfig);

    // Send the start request
    await stream.start(stream);

Using the deviceChanged callback

You can also make use of our callback using our deviceChanged callback:

symbl.deviceChanged = () => {
    // Add your logic here

Transcribing live audio input through the microphone

As a simple test of the Streaming API you can simply setup a live microphone and push the audio stream using the browser APIs to access the microphone.

Initialize the SDK and connect via the built-in websocket connector. This will output the live transcription to the console.

NOTE: The symbl.startRealtimeRequest function creates a new AudioContext, so the call must be made on user interaction, such as a button click.

    appId: '<your App ID>',
    appSecret: '<your App Secret>',
    // accessToken: '<your Access Token>', // can be used instead of appId and appSecret
    // basePath: '<your custom base path (optional)>',

const id = btoa("my-first-symbl-ai-code");

const connectionConfig = {
    insightTypes: ['action_item', 'question'],
    config: {
        meetingTitle: 'My Test Meeting ' + id,
        confidenceThreshold: 0.7,
        timezoneOffset: 480, // Offset in minutes from UTC
        languageCode: 'en-US',
        // sampleRateHertz: 48000
    speaker: {
        // Optional, if not specified, will simply not send an email in the end.
        userId: '', // Update with valid email
        name: ''
    handlers: {
         * This will return live speech-to-text transcription of the call.
        onSpeechDetected: (data) => {
          if (data) {
            const {punctuated} = data
            console.log('Live: ', punctuated && punctuated.transcript)
          // console.log('onSpeechDetected ', JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
         * When processed messages are available, this callback will be called.
        onMessageResponse: (data) => {
          // console.log('onMessageResponse', JSON.stringify(data, null, 2))
         * When Symbl detects an insight, this callback will be called.
        onInsightResponse: (data) => {
          // console.log('onInsightResponse', JSON.stringify(data, null, 2))
         * When Symbl detects a topic, this callback will be called.
        onTopicResponse: (data) => {
          // console.log('onTopicResponse', JSON.stringify(data, null, 2))

(async () => {
    const stream = await symbl.createStream(connectionConfig);

Muting and unmuting the connected device

You can mute and unmute the connected device by simply calling symbl.mute() or symbl.unmute().

Note that if disconnectOnStopRequest is passed in as true in the createStream function call, the mute and unmute function also invoke the start and stop functions, that signal the Streaming API to start and stop processing the audio being sent in between these two calls.


A quick snippet on how to use the mute method.

(async () => {
    const stream = await symbl.createStream(connectionConfig);
    await symbl.mute(stream);


A quick snippet on how to use the unmute method.

(async () => {
    const stream = await symbl.createStream(connectionConfig);
    await symbl.unmute(stream);

Reconnecting to an existing realtime connection

In the case that a user closes their browser or has an interruption in their WebSocket connection you can use the store object to grab the Connection ID you last used.

const id = symbl.store.get('connectionID');

const connectionConfig = {
    insightTypes: ['action_item', 'question'],
    config: {
        meetingTitle: 'My Test Meeting ' + id,
        confidenceThreshold: 0.7,
        timezoneOffset: 480, // Offset in minutes from UTC
        languageCode: 'en-US',
        sampleRateHertz: 44100
    speaker: {
        // Optional, if not specified, will simply not send an email in the end.
        userId: '', // Update with valid email
        name: ''
    handlers: {
         * This will return live speech-to-text transcription of the call.
        onSpeechDetected: (data) => {
          if (data) {
            const {punctuated} = data
            console.log('Live: ', punctuated && punctuated.transcript)
          // console.log('onSpeechDetected ', JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
         * When processed messages are available, this callback will be called.
        onMessageResponse: (data) => {
          // console.log('onMessageResponse', JSON.stringify(data, null, 2))
         * When Symbl detects an insight, this callback will be called.
        onInsightResponse: (data) => {
          // console.log('onInsightResponse', JSON.stringify(data, null, 2))
         * When Symbl detects a topic, this callback will be called.
        onTopicResponse: (data) => {
          // console.log('onTopicResponse', JSON.stringify(data, null, 2))

(async () => {
    const stream = await symbl.createStream(connectionConfig);

Stopping realtime connection

In order to end the connection to the realtime WebSocket you'll need to use the following command with your connection object:


If you do not sever the connection you could use more minutes of time than intended, so it is recommended to always end the connection programmatically.

Subscribing to an existing realtime connection with Subscribe API

With the Subscribe API you can connect to an existing connection via the connection ID. Building on the previous example we can connect to that ID. You'll want to open this example in a different browser while the realtime transcription example is running.

 * id: connectionId
 * cb: message callback
 * reconnectOnerror: boolean
const conversationStream = await symbl.subscribeToStream(id, (message) => { ... }, true);

Closing the Subscribe API connection

In order to end the connection to the Subscribe API WebSocket, you'll need to use the following command with your conversationStream object:


Need support?

If you can't find your answers, do let us know at support@symbl.ai or join our slack channel here.