
JavaScript fetch wrapper for Elixir Phoenix APIs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import system76JsApi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@system76/js-api';



JavaScript fetch wrapper for Elixir Phoenix APIs

npm release dependabot standard

This package is a simple wrapper around fetch to make it easier to interact with Elixir Phoenix APIs. It is rather opinionated to System76 projects, but may be useful for other projects.

While this package can be used in any JS project, it is designed with Vue (and Nuxt.JS) specifically in mind.


Regular JS

npm install --save @system76/js-api
import { Client } from '@system76/js-api'

const api = () => new Client({
  baseUrl: 'https://api-v2.system76.com',
  token: () => 'testingtoken'

const { data } = await api().get('/catalog/products').jsonApi()


Add these fields to your nuxt.config.js file:

export default {
  plugins: [

Put this in your ~/plugins/api.js:

import { Client } from '@system76/js-api'

export default function (ctx, inject) {
  const api = () => new Client({
    baseUrl: 'https://api-v2.system76.com',
    token: () => `Token ${ctx.store.getters.token}`

  inject('api', () => api())

Then you can use $api in the nuxt context. For instance, in a component you can do:

export default {
  asyncData: async ({ $api }) => ({
    products: await $api().get('/catalog/products').jsonApi().flatten()


export default {
  methods: {
    async create () {
      const { data: products } = await $api().get('/catalog/products')


This is your main client used for making requests. All methods return the client again, so it's easily chainable.

// Adds an include statement to the request. Useful for JSON API endpoints

// Adds a header to the request
client.header('Accept', 'application/json')

// Adds an authentication header
client.authentication('token abc123')

// Adds a parameter to the URL
client.parameter('filter[status]', 'awesome')

// Adds pagination page parameter

// Adds pagination page size parameter

// Adds a no cache or cache header to the request (defaults to true)

// Adds JSON API headers and changes the request form a bit to match

// Adds body data to the request. Does not work with HEAD or GET requests. Gets
// JSON.stringify-ed
client.body({ data: { attributes: { key: 'value' }}})

// Sets the method and path for the request.

// Makes the return value of the request _just_ the body data. This is similar
// to doing `(await client.get()).body` but less verbose


This is the error thrown if the response is not ok. It has a bunch of helpers to assist in parsing the error data.

// Mapped for use in Nuxt. If the API returns a 500, your app returns a 500
error.status // 500
error.statusCode // 500

// A simple array of error data found
error.errors // ['Not authorized']
error.errors // ['email has already been taken']

// An object of validation errors from the server
error.fields.email // ['has already been taken']
error.fields.password // null


  1. Download the repository

  2. Run npm ci

  3. Start hacking

  4. Run npm test to make sure you didn't break anything

  5. Submit a PR!


To trigger a release, push a commit to the master branch in the Angular Commit Message Conventions format.