
Client for access Targetprocess Api

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import targetprocessTpJsClient from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@targetprocess/tp-js-client';


Javascript Targetprocess API client

Node.js compatibility

**Node.js 12 or higher is required.

JavaScript client for accessing Targetprocess API


  • Allow to access api/v2/ endpoint with type-checkings between entities and it's selectors
  • Work with paginated results (pagination based on ordering by entities ID)
  • Handful shortcuts for where conditions


  1. dotnet 2.1 (for client-regeneration)

Quick start

To install:

npm install  @targetprocess/tp-js-client


Client creation

You can use httpClientFactory from tokiny library as a wrapper over you favorite fetch implementation. Also, it is strongly recommended to pass X-Client-ID and X-Correlation-ID headers to all request.

import { createTokenFactory, httpClientFactory } from '@targetprocess/tokiny'
import { TpClient } from '@targetprocess/tp-js-client'
import { fetch } from 'got-fetch'

const tokenFactory = createTokenFactory({
  authUrl: env.AUTH_SERVICE_URI,
  clientId: env.CLIENT_ID,
  clientSecret: env.CLIENT_SECRET

const fetchWithHeaders = (input: RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit) =>
    fetch(input, {
      headers: {
        'X-Correlation-ID': 'sample-operation-0000-33300-0003-34443',
        'X-Client-ID': 'tp-client-sample-test',

const scopes = 'tp'

const tpClient = new TpClient(
    httpClientFactory(scopes, tokenFactory, fetchWithHeaders as any)

readAll method

Can be used if you want to read all entities

type UserStory = {
    id: number
    name: string
    tasksCount: number

const users = await tpClient.readAll<UserStory>('userStories', {
    where: 'id==39528',
    select: {
        id: 'id',
        name: 'name',
        tasksCount: 'tasks.count',

readPages method

Can be used if you want to read data paged. Please note, entities skipping during pagination will be made using where=(id > ...), not using `skip=...' parameter.

type UserStory = {
    id: number
    name: string
    tasksCount: number

for await (const page of this.readPages<UserStory>("userStories", {
    where: 'id==39528',
    select: {
        id: 'id',
        name: 'name',
        tasksCount: 'tasks.count',
    })) {
      // page will have type UserStory[]


Selectors will be checked during compile time. Following code:

type UserStory = {
    id: number
    name: string
    tasksCount: number
    assignedUser: string

const selector:Selector<UserStory> = {
    id: 'id',
    name: 'name',
    tasksCount: 'tasks.count'
    // forget to specify selector for assignedUser property

will produce an error during compile time: Property 'assignedUser' is missing in type '{ id: string; name: string; tasksCount: string; }' but required in type 'StructuredSelector<UserStory>'.

Other TP endpoints

Since client is mostly generated from api/tp.yaml swagger spec, all methods described in that spec could be also used:

const loggedUser = await tpClient.getLoggedUser();

Release notes
