
Encrypts and decrypts Redux state, and save it to the IndexedDB.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import telusOrderhubStateLibrary from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@telus/orderhub-state-library';


Order Hub state library

Encrypts and decrypts Redux state, and save it to the IndexedDB.

Disable/Enable encryption

Update the src/index.js file: const SAVE_ENCRYPTED = true;

It is recommended to delete the IndexedDB in the browser.

How to create npm packages

If you don’t have yet the environment variable NPM_TOKEN, then you need to add it to your profile. The token should be provided by ????

  • create a .profile file, C:\Users{user}/.profile
  • export NPM_TOKEN="${NPM_TOKEN}"

In the root of your project file, create .npmrc with the following content: //registry.npmjs.org/:_authToken=${NPM_TOKEN}