
Angular CLI builder that executes a CMD command

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import testdozerNgCmdBuilder from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@testdozer/ng-cmd-builder';


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This is an angular CLI builder that executes a cmd command. It runs the command with nodejs spawn.

At the moment schematics projects and another nodejs projects are not supported by the angular workspace due the lack of available builders.

npm install @testdozer/ng-cmd-builder -D

in angular.json

  "architect": {
        "build": {
          "builder": "@testdozer/ng-cmd-builder:build",
          "options": {
            "command": "npm run build:builder",
            "args": ["param"],
              "env": {"ENVIRONMENT_PARAM": "value"}
            "assets": [
                "source": "./projects/ng-cmd-builder/package.json",
                "dest": "./dist/ng-cmd-builder"

The builder supports options that reflect subset of spawn options, and they have the same meaning. Assets handling is implemented with cpx and supports the same options. Supported schema.json

 * Options for CMD Builder
export interface Schema {
     * The command to run.
    command: string;
     * List of string arguments.
    args?: string[];
     * Environment key-value pairs.
    options?: {
        env?: { [name: string]: string; };
         * Current working directory
        cwd?: string;
         * <boolean> | <string> If true, runs command inside of a shell. Uses '/bin/sh' on Unix, and process.env.ComSpec on Windows.
         * A different shell can be specified as a string. See Shell requirements and Default Windows shell. Default: true.
        shell: string;
         * Hide the subprocess console window that would normally be created on Windows systems.
        windowsHide?: boolean;
     *  List of assets are copied with cpx
    assets?: {
         * A file glob of copy targets.
        source: string;
         * A file path of a destination directory.
        dest: string;
        options?: {
             * The flag to remove files that copied on past before copy.
            clean?: boolean;
             * The flag to follow symbolic links when copying from them.
            dereference?: boolean;
             * The flag to copy empty directories which is matched with the glob.
            includeEmptyDirs?: boolean;
             * The flag to not copy at the initial time of watch.
            initialCopy?: boolean;
             * The flag to copy uid, gid, atime, and mtime of files.
            preserve?: boolean;
             * The flag to not overwrite files on destination if the source file is older.
            update?: boolean;

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