
This package contains the core theme parsing and transformation.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import thematicCore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@thematic/core';


This package contains the core theme parsing and transformation.

Getting Started

To load the default theme, you can call load without any parameters:

    import { load } from '@thematic/core'

    const theme = load()

The Theme interface includes configuration objects for a wide variety of mark types and scales. Most of these follow a few basic format principles:

  • where possible, we use svg attribute names for natural visual mappings
  • all values are retrieved via functions rather than direct properties, this leaves us room to put optional modifier parameters in
  • when colors are retrieved, they use a Color interface that has a variety of format functions

For example, to retrieve the configuration for rectangles on a chart (such as for a bar chart), it might look something like:

    const bar = theme.rect()
    const fill = bar.fill().hex() // get the hex code version of the fill color

The mark functions accept parameters ('MarkConfig') that allow for scale mappings, selection states, etc. The individual attr functions always accept a datum that can be used if scale mappings are provided.

For example:

    import { scaleLinear } from 'd3-scale'

    // get the selected bar config
    const normalBar = theme.rect()
    const selectedBar = theme.rect({ selectionState: SelectionState.Selected })
    const normalFill = normalBar.fill().hex() // default color
    const selectedFill = selectedBar.fill().hex() // darker color

    // bind a scale
    const scale = scaleLinear().range([1, 10])
    const scaledCircle = theme.circle({
        scaleBindings: {
            radius: {
    const r0 = scaledCircle.radius(0) // 1
    const r1 = scaledCircle.radius(1) // 10