
Adds the dependencies and a package.json script to make yarn preset ${nameOfPreset} work.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import thesunnyCreatePreset from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@thesunny/create-preset';



Adds the dependencies and a package.json script to make yarn preset ${nameOfPreset} work.

In any directory that has a package.json, enter the command:

yarn preset @thesunny/preset

How it works

The command above works because calling yarn something will automatically install a package with the name of the argument preceded by create- so something will become create-something.

In our case, we have a scope and that is automatically preserved so yarn create @thesunny/preset turns into the package @thesunny/create-preset. It then executes whatever is in bin.

The bin for this project does a yarn link @thesunny/presets and then calls node node_modules/@thesunny/presets/bin/setup.js under the presumption that all the code we need to do the install is actually present in @thesunny/presets.

Why not put the setup code in @thesunny/presets

Unfortunately, bin commands don't work when you yarn link a package. This seems to be an outstanding bug that doesn't look like it will be fixed soon. It does work with npm but would like to stay in the yarn ecosystem for now.