
Helps setup rAF based loops

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import thewhodidthisAnimation from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@thewhodidthis/animation';



Scheduling regular updates in the interest of creating smooth running browser animations might conceivably look a bit like:

// Start

function loop(now) {
  console.log(`update called ${now}ms into current document's lifetime`)

  // Repeat endlessly?

Ending that loop on demand such as when debouncing mouse events would involve keeping track of each requestAnimationFrame or rAF index to then be calling cancelAnimationFrame with. For example,

// Start
let frame = window.requestAnimationFrame(loop)

function loop() {
  // Update
  frame = window.requestAnimationFrame(loop)

function stop() {
  if (frame) {
    // Unassign, make falsy again
    frame = window.cancelAnimationFrame(frame)

  console.assert(frame === undefined)

document.addEventListener("click", stop, { once: true })

This module is essentially a closure around that otherwise free roaming frame reference. It includes no polyfill and minifies to less than half a kilobyte.


Download from the npm registry:

# Add to package.json
npm install @thewhodidthis/animation


The default and only export is an anonymous function expecting a callback argument to be invoked before the next repaint, same as using rAF directly. In line with the revealing module pattern you get an object literal with start() and stop() methods in return. These are aliased play and pause respectively.

import createLoop from "@thewhodidthis/animation"

let frameMaybe

const animationKeys = ["start", "stop", "play", "pause"]
const animation = createLoop((now, frame) => {
  console.assert(frameMaybe === frame)

  frameMaybe = animation.stop()

  console.assert(frameMaybe === undefined)

console.assert(Object.keys(animation).every(k => animationKeys.includes(k)))

frameMaybe = animation.start()

The callback is passed a DOMHighResTimeStamp and the frame reference. Just in case, checks are included to allow for running multiple loops in parallel.

const startFrame = animation.start()
const startAgainFrame = animation.start()

console.assert(startFrame === startAgainFrame)