
Custom Terra client and utilities used by XChainJS clients

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import thorswapLibXchainTerra from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@thorswap-lib/xchain-terra';



Terra Module for XChainJS Clients


yarn add @thorswap-lib/xchain-terra

Following peer dependencies have to be installed into your project. These are not included in @thorswap-lib/xchain-terra.

yarn add @thorswap-lib/xchain-client @thorswap-lib/xchain-crypto @thorswap-lib/xchain-util axios @terra-money/terra.js

Terra Client Testing

yarn install
yarn test


// import `xchain-thorchain`
import { Client } from '@thorswap-lib/xchain-terra'

// Create a `Client`
const client = new Client({ network: Network.Testnet, phrase: 'my secret phrase' })

// get address
const address = client.getAddress()
console.log('address:', address) // address: terra1hf2j3w46zw8lg25awgan7x8wwsnc509sk0e6gr

// get balances
const balances = await client.getBalance(address)
console.log('balances:', balances[0].amount.amount().toString()) // balance: 6968080395099

// get transactions
const txs = await client.getTransactions({ address })
console.log('txs total:', txs.total) // txs total: 100

// get transaction details
const tx = await client.getTransactionData('any-tx-hash', address)
console.log('tx asset:', tx.asset) // tx asset: { chain: 'THOR', symbol: 'RUNE', ticker: 'RUNE' }

For more examples check out tests in ./__tests__/client.test.ts