
Svgs wrapper

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import timesComponentsSvgs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@times-components/svgs';



This package ensures a consistent API for SVGs that are used across Times Components. The web version relies on svgs. The native version provides its own set of components and utilises ART from react-native. Components available include G, Path, Polygon, Rect and Svg.


Opacity behaves differently on native and web SVGs. In web, fillOpacity and strokeOpacity are applied separately, but native only has one opacity prop that affects the opacity on both fill colours and stroke colours.


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md before contributing to this package

Running the code

Please see our main README.md to get the project running locally


The code can be formatted and linted in accordance with the agreed standards.

yarn fmt
yarn lint


This package uses yarn (latest) to run unit tests on each platform with jest.

yarn test:web


SVGs could use their own showcase.