
Official SDK for using TimeTree WebAPI

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import timetreeappWebApi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@timetreeapp/web-api';


TimeTree Web API

npm version

@timetreeapp/web-api is simple HTTP client for requesting to TimeTree's Web API.


$ npm install @timetreeapp/web-api
# if you prefer yarn
$ yarn add @timetreeapp/web-api


Accessing API endpoints as a OAuth App


import { OAuthClient } from "@timetreeapp/web-api";

const client = new OAuthClient("<your-access-token>");

(async () => {
  const data = await client.getCalendars();
  console.log("calendars", data);


new OAuthClient(
  accessToken: string;
  // you can overwrite for testing purposes
  baseURL?: string;

  // specifies the number of milliseconds before the request times out.
  // this api is using axios timeout
  // see: https://github.com/axios/axios
  timeout?: number; // default is `0` (no timeout)

  // specifies the number of times to retry the request
  retry?: number; // default is `0` (no retry)

  // specifies whether retry to request when using retry option.
  // parameters is axios's error response
  validateRetryable?: (error: AxiosError) => boolean;

  // callbacks before retry
  onRetry?: (e: Error, count: number) => boolean;


TimeTree API conforms to JSONAPI. But this sdk can deserialize response data and request data.

// server response
  data: {
    id: "1234",
    type: "calendar",
    attributes: {
      name: "Some Calendar",
      description: "Calendar description",
      color: "#2ecc87",
      order: 0,
      image_url: "https://attachmentstimetreeapp.com/path/to/ image.png",
      created_at: "2019-04-01T12:34:56.000Z"
    relationships: {
      labels: {
        data: [...]
// #getCalendar result
  id: "1234",
  type: "calendar",
  name: "Some Calendar",
  description: "Calendar description",
  color: "#2ecc87",
  order: 0,
  imageUrl: "https://attachments.timetreeapp.com/path/to/image.png",
  createdAt: "2019-04-01T12:34:56.000Z",
  labels: [
      id: "1234,1",
      type: "label",
      name: "label title(empty if default)",
      color: "#2ecc87"
    { id: "1234,2", type: "label" },

Error Handling

this client throws axios's error object as it is. see https://github.com/axios/axios#handling-errors

try {
  const data = client.getUser();
} catch (e) {

Get OAuth Access Token

  1. Execute OAuthAuthenticator#authorize to access https://timetreeapp.com/oauth/authorize with query parameters below.
import { OAuthAuthenticator } from "@timetreeapp/web-api";

const authenticator = new OAuthAuthenticator();

  clientId: "<your-client-id>",
  redirectUri: "https://<your-redirect-uri>",
  state: "<your-state>",
// -> TimeTree redirects to URI specified redirect_uri with code parameter. The code parameter expires in 10 minutes
  1. Execute OAuthAuthenticator#getToken with the following parameters to JSON body to get access token when redirected.
const response = await authenticator.getToken({
  clientId: "<your-client-id>",
  clientSecret: "<your-client-secret>",
  redirectUri: "https://<your-redirect-uri>",
  // code is included in query parameters
  //   GET {redirect_uri}?code={code}&state={csrf_token}
  grantType: "authorization_code"


or using some oauth2 library like client-oauth2

Accessing API endpoints as a Calendar App

import { OAuthAuthenticator, CalendarAppClient } from "@timetreeapp/web-api";

// Generate and download the private key. Please refer to the link below.
// https://developers.timetreeapp.com/docs/api/calendar-app
const authenticator = new CalendarAppAuthenticator({
  applicationId: "<your-calendar-app-id>",
  privateKey: "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n....-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n",

(async () => {
  // When the Calendar App is linked by the user, TimeTree will
  // notify installation_id in an HTTP POST request.
  const response = await authenticator.getAccessToken("<installation-id>");

  const client = new CalendarAppClient(response.accessToken);
  const data = await client.getCalendar();
  console.log("calendar", data);
