
Tree House Authentication

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import treeHouseAuthentication from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@tree-house/authentication';


Tree House Authentication

Authentication module written in TypeScript providing authentication utilities and JWT methods.


Install via npm

npm install @tree-house/authentication

or via yarn

yarn add @tree-house/authentication


const authenticator = require('@tree-house/authentication')
import * as authenticator from '@tree-house/authentication'



const jwtSettings = {
  algorithm: 'HS256',
  expiresIn: '7d',
  audience: 'TREEHOUSE-AUTH',
  issuer: 'treehouse-authentication',
  secretOrKey: '5kZxE|gZu1ODB183s772)/3:l_#5hU3Gn5O|2ux3&lhN@LQ6g+"i$zqB_C<6',

You can find all possible configuration options at Github: node-jsonwebtoken

createJwt(payload, jwtSettings)

Returns a json webtoken with the provided payload and configuration. (Asynchronous)

verifyJwt(token, jwtSettings)

Returns a decoded jwt token when the provided token is still valid. (Asynchronous)


Returns a decoded json webtoken. This does not validate the token. (Synchronous)



Returns an express middleware function to use on session based routes using the express-session module. (Synchronous)

const app = express();

const session = getSession({
  secret: 'mySuperSecretSecret'


Two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication functions using the speakeasy module.


Returns two-factor authentication key with base32 and otp-authentication url needed for QR code generation

const { otpauth_url, base32, ... } = generate2FAKey();


Returns QR code image data, user secret, and url (if you wish to have a custom qr code implementation)

const { imageData, secret, url } = generateQrCode(options);

verifyToken(secret, token)

Verify whether a token is valid depending on a provided user secret (returns true/false)

const isValidCode = verifyToken('userSecret', 021214);


generateRandomHash(algorithm (optional), secret (optional))

Returns a random hash (can be used for tokens) (Synchronous)

getHashedPassword(password, saltCount)

Returns a hashed password. (Asynchronous)

comparePassword(password, hashedPw)

Check whether a password is valid compared with a hashed password. (Asynchronous)

hashPassword(password, options = { algorithm, key, iv})

Hash a password. (Asynchronous)

dehashPassword(password, options = { algorithm, key, iv})

Dehash a password. (Asynchronous)


You can run npm run test to run all tests You can run npm run test:coverage to run all tests with coverage report


When you find issues, please report them:

Be sure to include all of the output from the npm command that didn't work as expected. The npm-debug.log file is also helpful to provide.


See the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the ISC License - see the LICENSE.md file for details