
Makes a request to updates.ghost.org to check for release & custom notifications. The service is provided in return for users opting in to anonymous usage data collection.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tryghostUpdateCheckService from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@tryghost/update-check-service';


Update Check Service

Makes a request to updates.ghost.org to check for release & custom notifications. The service is provided in return for users opting in to anonymous usage data collection.


npm install @tryghost/update-check-service --save


yarn add @tryghost/update-check-service


Check the UpdateCheckService's constructor JSDoc for the list of available parameters. This is how the service is initialized in Ghost:

const api = require('./api').v2;
const GhostMailer = require('./services/mail').GhostMailer;
const config = require('../shared/config');
const urlUtils = require('./../shared/url-utils');

const i18n = require('../shared/i18n');
const logging = require('../shared/logging');
const request = require('./lib/request');
const ghostVersion = require('./lib/ghost-version');
const UpdateCheckService = require('@tryghost/update-check-service');

const updateChecker = new UpdateCheckService({
    api: {
        settings: {
            read: api.settings.read,
            edit: api.settings.edit
        posts: {
            browse: api.posts.browse
        users: {
            browse: api.users.browse
        notifications: {
            add: api.notifications.add
    config: {
        mail: config.get('mail'),
        env: config.get('env'),
        databaseType: config.get('database').client,
        checkEndpoint: config.get('updateCheck:url'),
        isPrivacyDisabled: config.isPrivacyDisabled('useUpdateCheck'),
        notificationGroups: config.get('notificationGroups'),
        siteUrl: urlUtils.urlFor('home', true),
        forceUpdate: config.get('updateCheck:forceUpdate'),
        ghostVersion: ghostVersion.original
    sendEmail: ghostMailer.send

// run the update check with 



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Follow the instructions for the top-level repo.

  1. git clone this repo & cd into it as usual
  2. Run yarn to install top-level dependencies.


  • yarn dev


  • yarn lint run just eslint
  • yarn test run lint and tests

Copyright & License

Copyright (c) 2013-2022 Ghost Foundation - Released under the MIT license.