
Fast frontend static website deployer to S3

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import turnkeyidDeploys3 from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@turnkeyid/deploys3';


Welcome to DeployS3 👋

License: CC BY 4.0

Deploy your static website with single command!


npm install -D @turnkeyid/deploys3 
yarn add -D @turnkeyid/deploys3


  1. First you should define configuration file, example:
$ nano deployer.json
       "appId": "YOUR_ID",
       "deployer": {
          "accessKey": "ABCABACS", # see How to get AWS Key bellow
          "secretKey": "ABCDEFG",
          "staticWeb": "true", # to make your bucket as static hosting
          "indexPath": "index.html", # your html root file
          "errorPath": "index.html", # your error html, use "index.html" if you are using REACT
          "source": "/path/to/build", # your source file(s)
          "uploadFolder": "", # where you want to put your files in S3
          "region": "ap-southeast-1",
          "bucket": "domain.com", # target bucket, if not exist it will create new one
          "concurentUploadLimit": 3 # limit upload at the same time, default 3
       "autoGenerateCertificate": "false",
       "cloudfront": {
          "accessKey": "ABCABACS",
          "secretKey": "ABCDEFG",
          "s3BucketName": "domain.com", # your s3 bucket name
          "s3Region": "ap-southeast-1", # your s3 region
          "region": "us-east-1", # your cloudfront, default us-east-1(global)
          "cnames": "domain.com", # your domain name
          "id": "AXZXX", # if cloudfront already exist, put the id here to update, instead of creating new one
          "https": {
             "enabled": "true", # if you want SSL
             "ACMCertArn": "", # Aws Certificate Manager ARN
          "rootDocument": "index.html", # the root document of s3
          "errorDocument": "index.html", # the error root document of s3, if not defined will use rootDocument instead
          "errorResponses": [
             "ErrorCachingMinTTL": 10, # Error cache minimum time to live
             "ErrorCode": 302, # Source error code
             "ResponseCode": "302", # Target error code
             "ResponsePagePath": "redirect.html" # Error path for handling this errors
    {...} # repeat the format for the rest configs

Another trick if you want your configs more simpler for more apps:

$ nano deployer.json
     # make default value for reference
      "appId": "DEFAULT", # the value should be "DEFAULT"
      "deployer": {
        # the same config as above
    # make specific config
      "appId": "YOUR_ID",
      "deployer": {
        "bucket": "MY_BUCKET",
        "staticWeb": "false",
        "concurentUploadLimit": 5
    {...} # repeat the format for the rest configs
  1. Skip this step if your config path is already on <root_project>/deployer.json . Set DEPLOYER_CONF_PATH=CUSTOM_CONFIG_PATH.json environtment to your command, or on your .env file, add this line:
  1. Check your configs, run $ npx deploys3 -c, it should show you your config file content.
  2. Run :
$ npx deploys3 -d # Deploy all apps
$ npx deploys3 -do YOUR_ID # Deploy specific config by ID
$ npx deploys3 -p my-deployer.json -do YOUR_ID # Deploy specific config by ID with specific deployer.json

Change npx to yarn if you are using yarn

See all the commands:

npx deploys3 -h

Key Features


  • Sync folder to S3
  • Set S3 bucket as static web
  • Create or Update Cloudfront Distribution, then link it to S3 bucket
  • Set Cloudfront HTTPS with given ACM (AWS Certificate Manager) ARN
  • Create Invalidation

Future Dev:

  • Generate AWS Certificate then link it to cloudfront
  • Validate AWS Certificate with Route53 CNames
  • Route Cloudfront to Route53

How to Get AWS Access Key and Secret Key

official doc : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_credentials_access-keys.html


👤 TurnkeyID Developers - FatihAziz

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you! Currently the repo still in private. We will open in soon! Send issues or just messages to my email fatih@turnkey.id

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