
UMA Contract Notification Bot

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import umaContractNotifier from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@uma/contract-notifier';


UMA Contracts Notifier

This app continuously monitors UMA financial contracts and sends notifications based on predefined conditions. Currently the app implements only expiration notifications on EMP and LSP contracts..

Contract expiration notifier

Contract notifier uses UMA API to fetch all known financial contracts, filters soon to expire contracts and notifies them through logging mechanism that can forward it to Slack or any other configured transport mechanism. Notified contracts are stored on Google Datastore, so on repeated runs the application does not notify the same contracts.

Environment variables

The expiring contracts notifier uses following environment variables:

  • NOTIFIER_CONFIG is a JSON object containing application specific parameters:
    • maxTimeTillExpiration is maximum time in seconds till expiration for the contract to be included in the notification, defaulting to 1 week.
    • apiEndpoint sets API to fetch contract information, defaulting to https://prod.api.umaproject.org
  • POLLING_DELAY is value in seconds for delay between consecutive runs, defaults to 1h. If set to 0 then running in serverless mode will exit after the loop.
  • BOT_IDENTIFIER identifies the application name in the logs.
  • ERROR_RETRIES is number of times to retry failed operation (e.g. due to API not responding). It defaults to 3 re-tries on error within the execution loop.
  • ERROR_RETRIES_TIMEOUT is time in seconds between re-tries, defaulting to 1 second.
  • SLACK_CONFIG is a JSON object containing defaultWebHookUrl for the default Slack webhook URL and escalationPathWebhookUrls being an object with webhook URLs for particular Slack channel routing.
  • GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS points to Google Cloud Platform service account key file to access Google Datastore. This is only required when running the application locally.

Running expiring contracts notifier

From UMA protocol repository run:

yarn contract-notifier --network mainnet_mnemonic