
Library for work with Uploadcare Upload API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import uploadcareUploadClient from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@uploadcare/upload-client';


Uploadcare Upload Client

This is an Uploadcare Upload API wrapper to work with Node.js and browser.

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npm install @uploadcare/upload-client


High-Level API

To access the High-Level API, you need to create an instance of UploadClient providing the necessary settings. Specifying YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY is mandatory: it points to the specific Uploadcare project:

import { UploadClient } from '@uploadcare/upload-client'

const client = new UploadClient({ publicKey: 'YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY' })

Once the UploadClient instance is created, you can start using the wrapper to upload files from binary data:

  .then(file => console.log(file.uuid))

Another option is uploading files from URL, via the uploadFile method:

const fileURL = 'https://example.com/file.jpg'

  .then(file => console.log(file.uuid))

You can also use the uploadFile method to get previously uploaded files via their UUIDs:

const fileUUID = 'edfdf045-34c0-4087-bbdd-e3834921f890'

  .then(file => console.log(file.uuid))

You can track uploading progress:

const fileUUID = 'edfdf045-34c0-4087-bbdd-e3834921f890'
const onProgress = ({ value }) => {

  .uploadFile(fileUUID, { onProgress })
  .then(file => console.log(file.uuid))

You can cancel file uploading and track this event:

const fileUUID = 'edfdf045-34c0-4087-bbdd-e3834921f890'
const abortController = new AbortController()

  .uploadFile(fileUUID, { signal: abortController })
  .then(file => console.log(file.uuid))
  .catch(error => {
    if (error.isCancel) {
      console.log(`File uploading was canceled.`)

// Cancel uploading

List of all available UploadClient API methods:

interface UploadClient {
  updateSettings(newSettings: Settings = {}): void

  getSettings(): Settings

    file: NodeFile | BrowserFile,
    options: BaseOptions
  ): Promise<BaseResponse>

  info(uuid: Uuid, options: InfoOptions): Promise<FileInfo>

  fromUrl(sourceUrl: Url, options: FromUrlOptions): Promise<FromUrlResponse>

    token: Token,
    options: FromUrlStatusOptions
  ): Promise<FromUrlStatusResponse>

  group(uuids: Uuid[], options: GroupOptions): Promise<GroupInfo>

  groupInfo(id: GroupId, options: GroupInfoOptions): Promise<GroupInfo>

    size: number,
    options: MultipartStartOptions
  ): Promise<MultipartStartResponse>

    part: Buffer | Blob,
    url: MultipartPart,
    options: MultipartUploadOptions
  ): Promise<MultipartUploadResponse>

    uuid: Uuid,
    options: MultipartCompleteOptions
  ): Promise<FileInfo>

    data: NodeFile | BrowserFile | Url | Uuid,
    options: FileFromOptions
  ): Promise<UploadcareFile>

    data: (NodeFile | BrowserFile)[] | Url[] | Uuid[],
    options: FileFromOptions & GroupFromOptions
  ): Promise<UploadcareGroup>

You can import only needed methods directly, without UploadClient wrapper:

import {
} from '@uploadcare/upload-client'

Low-Level API

Also, you can use low-level wrappers to call the API endpoints directly:

import { base, AbortController } from '@uploadcare/upload-client'

const onProgress = ({ value }) => console.log(value)
const abortController = new AbortController()

base(fileData, { onProgress, signal: abortController }) // fileData must be `Blob` or `File` or `Buffer`
  .then(data => console.log(data.file))
  .catch(error => {
    if (error.isCancel) {
      console.log(`File uploading was canceled.`)

// Also you can cancel upload:

List of all available API methods:

  file: NodeFile | BrowserFile,
  options: BaseOptions
): Promise<BaseResponse>
info(uuid: Uuid, options: InfoOptions): Promise<FileInfo>
fromUrl(sourceUrl: Url, options: FromUrlOptions): Promise<FromUrlResponse>
  token: Token,
  options: FromUrlStatusOptions
): Promise<FromUrlStatusResponse>
  group(uuids: Uuid[], options: GroupOptions): Promise<GroupInfo>
  groupInfo(id: GroupId, options: GroupInfoOptions): Promise<GroupInfo>
  size: number,
  options: MultipartStartOptions
): Promise<MultipartStartResponse>
  part: Buffer | Blob,
  url: MultipartPart,
  options: MultipartUploadOptions
): Promise<MultipartUploadResponse>
  uuid: Uuid,
  options: MultipartCompleteOptions
): Promise<FileInfo>
  file: File | Buffer | Blob,
  options: MultipartOptions
): Promise<FileInfo>


publicKey: string

The main use of a publicKey is to identify a target project for your uploads. It is required when using Upload API.

baseCDN: string

Defines your schema and CDN domain. Can be changed to one of the predefined values (https://ucarecdn.com/) or your custom CNAME.

Defaults to https://ucarecdn.com/.

baseURL: string

API base URL.

Defaults to https://upload.uploadcare.com

fileName: string

You can specify an original filename.

Defaults to original.

store: boolean

Forces files uploaded with UploadClient to be stored or not. For instance, you might want to turn this off when automatic file storing is enabled in your project, but you do not want to store files uploaded with a particular instance.

secureSignature: string

In case you enable signed uploads for your project, you’d need to provide the client with secureSignature and secureExpire params.

The secureSignature is an MD5 hex-encoded hash from a concatenation of API secret key and secureExpire.

secureExpire: string

Stands for the Unix time to which the signature is valid, e.g., 1454902434.

userAgent: string | CustomUserAgentFn

type CustomUserAgentOptions = {
  publicKey: string
  libraryName: string
  libraryVersion: string
  languageName: string
  integration?: string

type CustomUserAgentFn = (options: CustomUserAgentOptions) => string

X-UC-User-Agent header value.

Defaults to UploadcareUploadClient/${version}/${publicKey} (JavaScript; ${integration})

integration: string

Integration value passed to the X-UC-User-Agent header. May be overrided with the custom user agent string or function.

checkForUrlDuplicates: boolean

Runs the duplicate check and provides the immediate-download behavior.

saveUrlForRecurrentUploads: boolean

Provides the save/update URL behavior. The parameter can be used if you believe that the sourceUrl will be used more than once. Using the parameter also updates an existing reference with a new sourceUrl content.

source: string

Defines the upload source to use, can be set to local, url, etc.

jsonpCallback: string

Sets the name of your JSONP callback function to create files group from a set of files by using their UUIDs.

maxContentLength: number

maxContentLength defines the maximum allowed size (in bytes) of the HTTP response content.

Defaults to 52428800 bytes (50 MB).

retryThrottledRequestMaxTimes: number

Sets the maximum number of attempts to retry throttled requests.

Defaults to 1.

multipartChunkSize: number

This option is only applicable when handling local files. Sets the multipart chunk size.

Defaults to 5242880 bytes (5 MB).

multipartMinFileSize: number

This option is only applicable when handling local files. Sets the multipart uploading file size threshold: larger files will be uploaded in the Multipart mode rather than via Direct Upload. The value is limited to the range from 10485760 (10 MB) to 104857600 (100 MB).

Defaults to 26214400 (25 MB).

multipartMinLastPartSize: number

This option is only applicable when handling local files. Set the minimum size of the last multipart part.

Defaults to 1048576 bytes (1 MB).

maxConcurrentRequests: number

Allows specifying the number of concurrent requests.

Defaults to 4.

contentType: string

This setting is needed for correct multipart uploads.

Defaults to application/octet-stream.


npm run test

By default, tests runs with mock server, but you can run tests with production environment.

Run test on production servers:

npm run test:production

Run test with mock server (mock server starts automaticaly):

npm run test

Run mock server:

npm run mock:start

And then you can run test:

npm run test:jest

Security issues

If you think you ran into something in Uploadcare libraries that might have security implications, please hit us up at bugbounty@uploadcare.com or Hackerone.

We'll contact you personally in a short time to fix an issue through co-op and prior to any public disclosure.


Issues and PRs are welcome. You can provide your feedback or drop us a support request at hello@uploadcare.com.